Path: LunarMissions/LunarData
% Specifies Earth-Moon system constants -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Form: d = EarthMoonSystemConstants() -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Inputs ------ none ------- Outputs ------- d (.) Data structure output with system constants and fields: .system '' Name of system - 'EM' .muMoon (1,1) Moon gravity constant (km^3/sec^2) .muEarth (1,1) Earth gravity constant .mu (1,1) Non-dimensional mass parameter .L (1,1) Length unit (Earth-moon) (km) .T (1,1) Time unit (lunar period) (s) .Re (1,1) Radius earth (km) .Rm (1,1) Radius moon (km) .xL1 (1,1) L1 distance (nd) .xL2 (1,1) L2 distance (nd) --------------------------------------------------------------------------
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