LunarMissions Module

Directory List

Demos/Gateway Demos/LunarCAD Demos/LunarLanding
Demos/LunarMission Demos/LunarOrbit Gateway
LunarCoord LunarData LunarEnvironment
LunarEphemeris LunarLanding LunarMission
LunarRHS Visualization


Disturbance analysis for Gateway
Gateway docking simulation
Gravity gradient analysis of Gateway orbit
Lunar Gateway CAD model from OBJ file
Build Simple Gateway CAD Model

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Design a fully reusable lunar lander
Demonstrate converting an OBJ model to CAD.
Generate lunar lander CAD model
Analyze the thruster layout for the lunar lander

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Lunar landing energy
Demonstrate lunar lander guidance
Compute a minimum time landing trajectory using fmincon
Least Squares Optimization
Test fmincon against an analytical solution for the linear tangent law
Test fmincon against an analytical solution for the linear tangent law
Compare the state transition matrix to numerical integration

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Apollo lunar descent guidance demo
Lunar Mission Demo with Transfer and Insertion
Maneuver from Gateway to 15 km
Set up and run a heliocentric trajectory simulation with two objects.
Compute delta-V for lunar orbit insertion
Lunar mission planning
Lunar transfer simulation
Lunar Orbit Insertion Demo
Lunar polar mission planning
A lunar visibility analysis

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Propagate an orbit about the moon. Show the visibility sun, earth, moon.
Demonstrate a high order gravity model.

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Generate the inertia matrix for the whole Gateway assembly
Computes the right hand side for single gimbal CMGs
Vector from ECI to body that minimizes the gravity gradient torque

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Computes the ECI position of the Earth-Moon Barycenter.
Convert ECI to Earth Moon rotating coordinates about the barycenter.
Scale EMB system to be non-dimensional
Transform heliocentric frame to Sun-Earth/Moon barycentered rotating frame
Transform from Sun-Earth/Moon rotating to inertial frame
Scale state in SEM system (rotating or inertial) to be non-dimensional
Transform ECI pos. and vel. to Earth Moon barycenter rotating frame.
Transform ECI pos. and vel. to Sun-Earth-Moon rotating (SEMR) frame.
Transform pos. and vel. from Earth Moon barycenter rotating frame to ECI
Transform Sun-Earth-Moon rotating (SEMR) state to ECI frame.
Transform Sun-Earth-Moon rotating (SEMR) state to the heliocentric frame.

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Specifies Earth-Moon system constants
Gateway.matGateway full CAD model from OBJ model.
GatewaySimple.matGateway simplified CAD model.
GatewaySmall_R.objOBJ model of Gateway used for estimating mass properties
LP150Q.shLunar gravity data file for LoadLP150Q
Load the LP150Q Lunar gravity model.
Load the SGM150 Lunar gravity model.
LunarGravityModel.matGravity model based on Lunar Prospector, 75x75
LunarRCS.matLunar thruster layout data
MassProps.matSaved mass properties
OrionNew.matSubsystem model for Orion
Orion_R.objRotated OBJ model of Orion
Orion_spacecraft_game_R.objOBJ file of Orion
SEML2OrbitData.matReference HALO trajectory data
SGM150.geoLunar model file for LoadSGM150
Specifies Sun-Earth-Moon system constants.
gltm2b.topoLunar topographic data
jgl075g1.shaLunar spherical harmonic ASCII file

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Lunar environment calculations for the CubeSat dynamical model.
Reads in the Clementine data.
Computes the angle needed to see over lunar terrain.
Draw a lunar profile given lambda and theta.
Generates a topographic map of the moon using spherical harmonics.

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Lunar fixed to ECI transformation
Computes a polar lunar orbit
Position and velocity relative to the target
Computes the moon ECI elements
Computes the matrix that transforms from ECI to selenographic axes.

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Computes the fuel mass to achieve the desired acceleration vector.
Equality constraints for the landing for a 2D flat planet problem.
Equality constraints for the landing for a 2D flat planet problem.
Cost for the landing for a 2D flat planet problem.
Cost for the landing for a 3D planet problem.
Spacecraft control during landing.
Lunar landing target state
Lunar surface landing target
Generate the orbit state matrices
Propagate the 2D state for the landing problem.
Propagate the 3D state for the landing problem.
Cartesian orbital equations in a planet fixed (rotating) frame.
This function computes the matrices a and b for dx/dt = a*x + b*u .
Implements a 2nd order guidance law
Implements a 2nd order guidance law in 3 dimensions
Simulate the 2D landing problem and generate plots.
Simulate a 3D landing and generate plots.

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Computes Apollo guidance coordinates
Apollo lunar module landing guidance
Generates an Apollo lunar landing trajectory.
Processes command lists.
Generates a CAD component for a lunar module first stage legs.
Implements a lunar mission control system.
Computes parameters for a lunar orbit insertion.
Generate transfer orbit elements for a lunar mission.
Computes visibility of a satellite in lunar orbit.

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Returns thrust and exhaust velocity for a rocket engine.
Simple thruster force model for orbit simulations
Calculate the heliocentric gravity for the position and date.
Thruster force model producing zero force.
Spacecraft attitude and orbit dynamics with a disturbance function.
Right hand side for orbit and attitude dynamics for a lunar mission simulation.
Right hand side for a lunar mission simulation with only orbit dynamics.
Right hand side for translational motion in the planet fixed frame.
Right-Hand-Side function for solar system object trajectories with moon
Computes the acceleration due to the Sun and the Earth/Moon.

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Plot an orbit track in the Earth/Moon System.
Plot an orbit track in the Earth/Moon Rotating System.
Plot a trajectory in the Earth-Moon system
Plot a 3D orbit around the moon.
Plot an orbit track in the Sun/Earth-Moon Rotating System.

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