LunarMissions Module |
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DisturbanceGateway | Disturbance analysis for Gateway |
DockingSim | Gateway docking simulation |
GGAnalysis | Gravity gradient analysis of Gateway orbit |
LunarGatewayCAD | Lunar Gateway CAD model from OBJ file |
LunarGatewaySimpleCAD | Build Simple Gateway CAD Model |
ArtemisLMCAD | Design a fully reusable lunar lander |
LoadOrionFile | Demonstrate converting an OBJ model to CAD. |
LunarLanderCAD | Generate lunar lander CAD model |
LunarLanderThrusterLayout | Analyze the thruster layout for the lunar lander |
LandingEnergy | Lunar landing energy |
LunarLanderSim | Demonstrate lunar lander guidance |
LunarLandingFminCon2D | Compute a minimum time landing trajectory using fmincon |
LunarLandingOptimize3DLeastSquares | Least Squares Optimization |
OptimalLunarLanding2D | Test fmincon against an analytical solution for the linear tangent law |
OptimalLunarlanding3D | Test fmincon against an analytical solution for the linear tangent law |
OrbitStatePropagation | Compare the state transition matrix to numerical integration |
ApolloGuidanceDemo | Apollo lunar descent guidance demo |
CubeSatLunarMission | Lunar Mission Demo with Transfer and Insertion |
DVFromGatewayTo15km | Maneuver from Gateway to 15 km |
HelioTrajectorySimulation | Set up and run a heliocentric trajectory simulation with two objects. |
LunarInsertionDemo | Compute delta-V for lunar orbit insertion |
LunarMissionDesign | Lunar mission planning |
LunarMissionSim | Lunar transfer simulation |
LunarOrbitInsertionSim | Lunar Orbit Insertion Demo |
LunarPolarMissionDesign | Lunar polar mission planning |
LunarVisibilityDemo | A lunar visibility analysis |
LunarOrbitSim | Propagate an orbit about the moon. Show the visibility sun, earth, moon. |
LunarSphericalHarmonicPlot | Demonstrate a high order gravity model. |
GatewayMassProperties | Generate the inertia matrix for the whole Gateway assembly |
RHSSGCMG | Computes the right hand side for single gimbal CMGs |
UMinGG | Vector from ECI to body that minimizes the gravity gradient torque |
BarycenterEarthMoon | Computes the ECI position of the Earth-Moon Barycenter. |
ECIToEarthMoonRot | Convert ECI to Earth Moon rotating coordinates about the barycenter. |
EMBToEMBND | Scale EMB system to be non-dimensional |
SEMIToSEMR | Transform heliocentric frame to Sun-Earth/Moon barycentered rotating frame |
SEMRToSEMI | Transform from Sun-Earth/Moon rotating to inertial frame |
SEMToSEMND | Scale state in SEM system (rotating or inertial) to be non-dimensional |
TransformECIToEMBR | Transform ECI pos. and vel. to Earth Moon barycenter rotating frame. |
TransformECIToSEMR | Transform ECI pos. and vel. to Sun-Earth-Moon rotating (SEMR) frame. |
TransformEMBRToECI | Transform pos. and vel. from Earth Moon barycenter rotating frame to ECI |
TransformSEMRToECI | Transform Sun-Earth-Moon rotating (SEMR) state to ECI frame. |
TransformSEMRToHelio | Transform Sun-Earth-Moon rotating (SEMR) state to the heliocentric frame. |
EarthMoonSystemConstants | Specifies Earth-Moon system constants |
Gateway.mat | Gateway full CAD model from OBJ model. |
GatewaySimple.mat | Gateway simplified CAD model. |
GatewaySmall_R.obj | OBJ model of Gateway used for estimating mass properties | | Lunar gravity data file for LoadLP150Q |
LoadLP150Q | Load the LP150Q Lunar gravity model. |
LoadSGM150 | Load the SGM150 Lunar gravity model. |
LunarGravityModel.mat | Gravity model based on Lunar Prospector, 75x75 |
LunarRCS.mat | Lunar thruster layout data |
MassProps.mat | Saved mass properties |
OrionNew.mat | Subsystem model for Orion |
Orion_R.obj | Rotated OBJ model of Orion |
Orion_spacecraft_game_R.obj | OBJ file of Orion |
SEML2OrbitData.mat | Reference HALO trajectory data |
SGM150.geo | Lunar model file for LoadSGM150 |
SunEarthMoonSystemConstants | Specifies Sun-Earth-Moon system constants. |
gltm2b.topo | Lunar topographic data |
jgl075g1.sha | Lunar spherical harmonic ASCII file |
CubeSatLunarEnvironment | Lunar environment calculations for the CubeSat dynamical model. |
LoadLunarTopography | Reads in the Clementine data. |
LunarAngle | Computes the angle needed to see over lunar terrain. |
LunarProfile | Draw a lunar profile given lambda and theta. |
RSHMoon | Generates a topographic map of the moon using spherical harmonics. |
LFToECI | Lunar fixed to ECI transformation |
LunarPolarOrbit | Computes a polar lunar orbit |
LunarRelativeState | Position and velocity relative to the target |
MoonECIElements | Computes the moon ECI elements |
MoonRot | Computes the matrix that transforms from ECI to selenographic axes. |
FuelMassFromAccel | Computes the fuel mass to achieve the desired acceleration vector. |
LandingConst2D | Equality constraints for the landing for a 2D flat planet problem. |
LandingConst3D | Equality constraints for the landing for a 2D flat planet problem. |
LandingCost2D | Cost for the landing for a 2D flat planet problem. |
LandingCost3D | Cost for the landing for a 3D planet problem. |
LunarLandingControl | Spacecraft control during landing. |
LunarLandingTargetState | Lunar landing target state |
LunarTarget | Lunar surface landing target |
OrbitStateMatrices | Generate the orbit state matrices |
PropagateState | Propagate the 2D state for the landing problem. |
PropagateState3D | Propagate the 3D state for the landing problem. |
RHSPlanet3D | Cartesian orbital equations in a planet fixed (rotating) frame. |
RHSPlanet3DToAB | This function computes the matrices a and b for dx/dt = a*x + b*u . |
SecondOrderGuidance | Implements a 2nd order guidance law |
SecondOrderGuidance3D | Implements a 2nd order guidance law in 3 dimensions |
Simulate2DLanding | Simulate the 2D landing problem and generate plots. |
Simulate3DLanding | Simulate a 3D landing and generate plots. |
ApolloGuidanceCoordinates | Computes Apollo guidance coordinates |
ApolloLunarDescentGuidance | Apollo lunar module landing guidance |
ApolloTrajectory | Generates an Apollo lunar landing trajectory. |
CommandListProcessing | Processes command lists. |
LandingLegsCAD | Generates a CAD component for a lunar module first stage legs. |
LunarMissionControl | Implements a lunar mission control system. |
LunarOrbitInsertion | Computes parameters for a lunar orbit insertion. |
LunarTargeting | Generate transfer orbit elements for a lunar mission. |
LunarVisibility | Computes visibility of a satellite in lunar orbit. |
FThrustLander | Returns thrust and exhaust velocity for a rocket engine. |
ForceSimple | Simple thruster force model for orbit simulations |
GravityHelio | Calculate the heliocentric gravity for the position and date. |
NoForce | Thruster force model producing zero force. |
RHSLunarLander | Spacecraft attitude and orbit dynamics with a disturbance function. |
RHSLunarMission | Right hand side for orbit and attitude dynamics for a lunar mission simulation. |
RHSLunarOrbit | Right hand side for a lunar mission simulation with only orbit dynamics. |
RHSRVPlanetFixed | Right hand side for translational motion in the planet fixed frame. |
RHSTrajectory | Right-Hand-Side function for solar system object trajectories with moon |
SEMGravAcc | Computes the acceleration due to the Sun and the Earth/Moon. |
EarthMoon | Plot an orbit track in the Earth/Moon System. |
EarthMoonRotFrame | Plot an orbit track in the Earth/Moon Rotating System. |
PlotEMTraj | Plot a trajectory in the Earth-Moon system |
PlotLunarOrbit | Plot a 3D orbit around the moon. |
PlotSEMTraj | Plot an orbit track in the Sun/Earth-Moon Rotating System. |
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