Path: LunarMissions/LunarEphemeris
% Position and velocity relative to the target Also returns latitude, longitude and altitude. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Form: d = LunarRelativeState(x,jD,rTarget) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------- Inputs ------- x (20,1) State vector [r;v;..] (km,km/s) jD (1,1) Julian date rTarget (3,1) Target position in the lunar frame (km) ------- Outputs ------- d (.) Data structure for the output .lat (1,1) Latitude (deg) .lon (1,1) Longitude (deg) .alt (1,1) Altitude (km) .r (3,1) Relative position (km) .v (3,1) Relative velocity (km/s) --------------------------------------------------------------------------
AerospaceUtils: Coord/EFToLatLonAlt LunarMissions: LunarEphemeris/MoonRot Math: Linear/Cross
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