Path: LunarMissions/LunarMission
% Right hand side for a lunar mission simulation with only orbit dynamics. This function implements only orbit dynamics. The Moon gravity model can have spherical harmonics. Get the default data structure by typing: d = RHSLunarOrbit Set up the state name output by typing: RHSLunarOrbit( x ); -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Form: d = RHSLunarOrbit % data structure RHSLunarOrbit( x ); % initialize persistent variables [xDot, p] = RHSLunarOrbit( x, t, d ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Inputs ------ x (:,1) [rECI;vECI;m] t (1,1) Time d (.) Data structure ------- Outputs ------- xDot (:,1) dx/dt p (.) Data structure with internally computed variables --------------------------------------------------------------------------
SC: Ephem/MoonRot Common: Time/Date2JD Math: Linear/Mag
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