Path: LunarMissions/LunarLanding
% Propagate the 2D state for the landing problem. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Form: xP = PropagateState( x, beta, dT, d ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Inputs ------ x (4,:) Initial state [x;y;vX;vY] beta (1,:) Thrust angle (rad) dT (1,:) Delta time for each step d (.) Data structure describing spacecraft model .a (1,1) Thrust acceleration (m/s^2) .g (1,1) Gravitation acceleration (m/s^2) .n (1,1) Number of steps ------- Outputs ------- xP (4,:) State See also: RHSPlanetTakeoff, RK4 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
SCPro: DynamicalModels/RHSPlanetTakeoff Math: Integration/RK4
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