Path: LunarMissions/LunarLanding
% Propagate the 3D state for the landing problem. Propagate the state with RHSPlanet3D and RK4 for the given control angles. If the fuel mass becomes negative, thrust is set to zero. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Form: xP = PropagateState3D( x, dT, d ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Inputs ------ x (7,1) Initial state [x;y;z;vX;vY;vZ;m] dT (1,:) Delta time for each step d (.) Data structure describing spacecraft model .beta (1,:) Thrust angle in rv plane .alpha (1,:) Thrust angle out of plane .thrust (1,:) Thrust (N) .accel (1,:) 'constant' or 'free' .m0 (1,1) Dry mass .n (1,1) Number of steps to simulate .nG (1,1) Multiplier of 'g', gravity, for 'constant' ------- Outputs ------- xP (7,:) State -------------------------------------------------------------------------- See also: RHSPlanet3D --------------------------------------------------------------------------
LunarMissions: LunarLanding/RHSPlanet3D Math: Integration/RK4 Math: Linear/Mag
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