Path: LunarMissions/LunarLanding
% Cartesian orbital equations in a planet fixed (rotating) frame. The gravity function returns the gravitational accelerations in the planet fixed frame. It must be of the form a = GravFun( r, gFunData ) where a is in the planet fixed frame. is not used in this case. The planet rotation is around the ECI z axis. The default data structure is for the the moon. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Form: xDot = RHSPlanet3D( x, ~, d ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Inputs ------ x (7,1) State [r;v;m], where m is fuel mass t (1,1) Time (not used) d (.) Data structure .mu (1,1) Gravitational constant .gFun (@) Handle to the gravity function .gFunData (.) Gravity function data structure .omega (1,1) Planet rotation rate .uThrust (3,1) Unit thrust vector .thrust (1,1) Thrust (N) .uE (1,1) Exhaust velocity (m/s) .m0 (1,1) Dry mass, total mass is m0 + m ------- Outputs ------- xDot (7,1) State derivative [r;v;m] --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Common: Database/Constant Math: Linear/Mag Math: Linear/Skew
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