Path: LunarMissions/Visualization
% Plot a trajectory in the Earth-Moon system Type PlotEMTraj for a demo Since version 11. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Form: p = PlotEMTraj( r, frame, jD ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Inputs ------ r (3,:) Trajectory data frame (:) Coordinate frame. May be one of the following: 'EMBRND' Earth-Moon Barycenter Rotating Non-Dim. 'EMBR' Earth-moon Barycenter Rotating 'ECI' Earth-centered Inertial 'MCI' Moon-centered Inertial 'MCR' Moon-centered Rotating jD (1,1) Julian date time vector ------- Outputs ------- None --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Interplanetary: ThreeBody/CRTBPRHS LunarMissions: LunarData/EarthMoonSystemConstants Orbit: OrbitCoord/TransformEMBRToECI SC: Ephem/MoonV1 Common: Time/Date2JD
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