
Path: LunarMissions/LunarEnvironment

% Generates a topographic map of the moon using spherical harmonics. 

   Type RSHMoon for a demo.

   This uses Clementine data. The highest harmonic is 72. 

   If s and c are not entered it will load the lunar surface coefficients
   each time is called. You can load the coefficients yourself using

     [s,c] = LoadLunarTopography( nH );

   [r, lambda, theta] = RSHMoon( nH, lambda, theta, s, c )

   nH            (1,1)  Highest harmonic 
   lambda        (j)    Equatorial angle
   theta         (i)    Angle from pole
   s             (:,:)  Normalized sine coefficients
   c             (:,:)  Normalized cosine coefficients

   r             (i,j)  Radius
   lambda        (j)    Equatorial angle
   theta         (i)    Angle from pole

   Reference: Smith, D. E., Zuber, M. T., Neumann, G. A., "Topography of the
              Moon from the Clementine lidar", Journal of Geophysical
              Research, Vol. 102, No. E1, pp. 1591-1611, January 25, 1997.


LunarMissions: LunarEnvironment/LoadLunarTopography
Common: General/Watermark
Common: Graphics/Mesh2
Math: Analysis/PAL
Math: Analysis/SCHarm
Math: Linear/DupVect

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