Path: LunarMissions/LunarEphemeris
% Computes the moon ECI elements Uses the state of the moon from a single epoch to compute elements. Type MoonECIElements for a comparison with MoonV1 and MoonV2. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Form: [el, jD] = MoonECIElements -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Inputs ------ None ------- Outputs ------- el (1,6) [a i W w e M] jD (1,1) Epoch of elements -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reference: JPL Horizons, (2020) --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Orbit: OrbitMechanics/RVOrbGen SC: BasicOrbit/RV2El SC: Ephem/MoonV1 SC: Ephem/MoonV2 Common: Graphics/Plot2D Common: Graphics/TimeLabl
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