Path: LunarMissions/LunarRHS
% Calculate the heliocentric gravity for the position and date. Julian date is only used if lunar gravitational harmonics are used. If the field, sphHarmMoon, is not empty, it uses the moon harmonics. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Form: a = GravityHelio( r, jD, rP, mu, iD, d ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Inputs ------ r (3,1) Heliocentric position (km) jD (1,1) Julian date (days) rP (3,:) Heliocentric planet locations (km) mu (1,:) Gravitational constants (km^3/s^2) iD (1,:) JPL planet ids d (.) Data structure .muSun (1,1) Sun gravity constants .sphHarmMoon (.) Data structure for the moon harmonics .moonID (1,1) The index for the moon id in iD ------- Outputs ------- a (3,:) ECI force vector (N) See also APlanet, AGravityC, MoonRot --------------------------------------------------------------------------
LunarMissions: LunarEphemeris/MoonRot Orbit: OrbitMechanics/AGravityC Orbit: OrbitMechanics/APlanet Common: Database/Constant Math: Linear/Mag
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