
Path: LunarMissions/LunarLanding

% Compare the state transition matrix to numerical integration
 The first test compares the state propagation to the numerical 
 integration in a circular orbit.
 The second test compares a simulation with a constant thrust.
 This applies a constant thrust to slow the orbital velocity causing
 the lander to descend. This script runs the nonlinear simulation and
 then compares the results with the state transition matrix approach
 that will be used in the optimizer.

 See also: PropagateState3D, RHSPlanet3D, RHSPlanet3DToAB
   Copyright (c) 2015 Princeton Satellite Systems, Inc.
   All rights reserved.
   Since 2016.1


LunarMissions: LunarLanding/PropagateState3D
LunarMissions: LunarLanding/RHSPlanet3D
LunarMissions: LunarLanding/RHSPlanet3DToAB
SC: BasicOrbit/Period
Common: Graphics/Plot2D
Common: Graphics/TimeLabl
Math: Linear/Mag

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