Path: LunarMissions/Visualization
% Plot an orbit track in the Sun/Earth-Moon Rotating System. The input vectors are in the ECI frame. Has a built-in demo for an orbit with an apogee of 400,000 km, a perigee of 7000 km, and a duration of 5 days. Type PlotSEMTraj for a demo. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Forms: h = PlotSEMTraj( r, frame, jD ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Inputs ------ r (3,:) position vectors (km) frame (1,1) frame of r 'SEMRND', 'SEMR', 'ECI' jD (:) Julian dates ------- Outputs ------- h (1,1) Figure handle -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Interplanetary: ThreeBody/CRTBPRHS Common: Database/Constant Common: General/Watermark Common: Graphics/NewFig
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