Path: LunarMissions/LunarRHS
% Right hand side for translational motion in the planet fixed frame. You can pass in user defined thrust functions via d.funThrust and gravitational acceleration functions via d.funGrav [thrust,uE] = Thrust( massFuel, d ) thrust must be in N and uE in m/s. and custom gravitational acceleration functions for d.gFun; accelGrav is in km/s^2: accelGrav = Gravity( x, d ) If gFun is not a pointer it is assumed to be the gravitational constant. Type RHSRVPlanetFixed for the default data structure. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Form: xDot = RHSRVPlanetFixed( x, t, d ) d = RHSRVPlanetFixed; % data structure -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Inputs ------ x (7,1) [r;v;massFuel] t (1,1) Time (s) d (.) Data structure .funThrust @ Thrust function handle .dataFunThrust (.) Thrust function data .rVStruct (.) Data for orbit RHS function .massDry (1,1) Dry mass (kg) ------- Outputs ------- x (7,1) d[r;v;massFuel]/dt -------------------------------------------------------------------------- See also: FThrustLander, RHSOrbitPlanetFixed --------------------------------------------------------------------------
LunarMissions: DynamicalModels/FThrustLander Orbit: RHSOrbit/RHSOrbitPlanetFixed Math: Linear/Mag
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