
Path: Math/FDIR

% Create a detection filter for a fully measured system.
 The filter is of the form:

   y[k]   = c*x[k]
   x[k+1] = a*x[k] + D*(y[k] - c*x[k]) + b*u[k]

 c is the identity matrix in this case.

   [d, a, b] = BuildLinearDF( a, b, states, inputs, lambda, dT )

   a			        (n,n)  Continuous plant matrix
   b                   (n,m)  Continuous input matrix
   states              {n}    Cell array of state names
   inputs              {m}    Cell array of input names
   lambda       		(1,1)  Inverse time constant

   d			        (:)   Detection filter
                        .g   plant
                        .d   gain matrix
                        .t   transformation matrix
   a			        (n,n) Discrete plant matrix
   b                   (n,m) Discrete Input matrix



Common: Classes/@statespace/and.m
Common: Classes/@statespace/close.m
Common: Classes/@statespace/connect.m
Common: Classes/@statespace/eig.m
Common: Classes/@statespace/get.m
Common: Classes/@statespace/getabcd.m
Common: Classes/@statespace/getsub.m
Common: Classes/@statespace/isempty.m
Common: Classes/@statespace/mtimes.m
Common: Classes/@statespace/plus.m
Common: Classes/@statespace/series.m
Common: Classes/@statespace/set.m
Common: Classes/@statespace/statespace.m
Common: Control/Append
Common: Control/C2DZOH
Common: Control/C2DelZOH
Common: Control/CToD
Common: Control/ND2SS
Common: Control/Parallel
Common: Control/S2Z
Common: Control/SS2ND
Common: Control/Series
Common: Control/SizeABCD
Common: General/CellToMat
Math: FDIR/DetectionFilterBuild
Math: FDIR/TMatrix
Math: Linear/DelLZ

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