Armijo |
Use the Armijo rule to compute a stepsize, alpha: |
AutoCorr |
Generates the autocorrelation function for the input sequence. |
Binomial |
The binomial expansion of (x + y)^n |
CFract |
Computes the value of a continued fraction of the form |
CHarm |
Generate a series of cosine harmonics of the arguments |
CHarmD |
Generate a series of cosine harmonics of the arguments |
DLyapG |
Find the solution for the Lyapunov equation apa' - p + q = 0 |
FitPair |
Given xF, find yF that best fits xF given the pair (x,y) |
FourierSeries |
Generates the Fourier series coefficients of a signal |
Heavisde |
Heavside function. H = 1 x 0, otherwise = 0 |
HypgF1 |
Computes the value of the hypergeometric function |
HypgFr |
Computes the value of the ratio of hypergeometric functions |
HypgMr |
Computes the value of the confluent hypergeometric ratio |
IntExpR |
One dimensional interpolation and extrapolation on the rows of a. |
IntExt |
One or two dimensional interpolation and extrapolation. |
Interp1D |
Performs a linear interpolation: |
InterpolateCircle |
Interpolates between x1 and x2 when x1 and x2 lie in a circle. When |
JCart2Sp |
Converts cartesian to spherical coordinates. |
JSp2Cart |
Jacobian for converting from spherical to cartesian coordinates |
Jacobian |
This function computes the Jacobian matrix for a right hand-side. |
JacobianODE |
This function computes the Jacobian matrix for a right hand-side. |
LogBaseN |
log of base n. |
Logistic |
Logistic function. |
LyapG |
Solve the general Lyapunov equation ap + pa' + q = 0 |
MakeDistribution |
Generate a list of random variables with some specified distribution |
NewStats |
Calculates the new standard deviation and average. |
NewtonsMethod |
Solve an optimization problem with Newton's method. |
OptimalTrajectory |
Optimal trajectory using simplex |
Generates the Associated Legendre Functions of the first kind |
Generates Associated Legendre Functions of the first kind and derivatives |
PGauss |
Computes the Gaussian form of the Legendre functions. |
Pade |
Create a Padé approximant of exp(sT) |
SCHarm |
Generate a series of sine and cosine harmonics of the arguments |
SCHarmD |
Generate a series of sine and cosine harmonics of the arguments |
SCSeries |
Compute a series a + sum(bn sin(n wo t)) + sum(cn cos(n wo t)) |
SHarm |
Generate a series of sine harmonics of the arguments |
SHarmD |
Generate a series of sine harmonics of the arguments |
Simplex |
Uses the simplex method to minimize the cost when solving the problem |
Simplex2 |
Computes the solution to the simplex problem with an optional maximum constraint. |
SimplexOld |
Uses the simplex method to minimize the cost when solving the problem |
SimplexScaling |
Simplex slack variable scaling |
SphJacobian |
Spherical coordinates Jacobian |
SubPoly |
Subtract two polynomials so that c = a - b. |
WaveletMorlet |
Performs a wavelet transform using a Morlet Wavelet |
WorstFirstAssignment |
Reorder columns to minimize the diagonal sum with a worst-first policy |
BlockDiagonal |
Generate a block diagonal matrix |
ColCompR |
Computes the right column compression of a matrix. Compresses the |
ComplexToReal |
Convert a matrix from complex to real. |
Cross |
Vector cross product for multicolum arrays. |
DUnit |
Derivative of the unit vector for r. |
DelLZ |
Deletes leading zeros from a vector. |
Dot |
Dot product with support for arrays. |
DupVect |
Duplicate vector n times |
Factorl |
Computes the factorial matrix for a matrix. |
GJInv |
Matrix inverse using Gauss-Jordan elimination with partial pivoting. |
GenSub |
Subtract two matrices where NaN - NaN or inf - inf == 0 |
Inv3x3 |
Inverse of a 3x3 matrix. |
InvP |
The product form of the inverse |
IsSing |
Outputs 0 if the matrix is singular |
IsZero |
Set = 0 if the matrix is all zeros. |
LeastSq |
Weighted least squares curve fit |
Mag |
Magnitude of a set of vectors |
Orthogonalize |
Orthogonalize a matrix |
Product |
Computes product of the terms in a vector |
RowCompU |
Computes the upper row compression of a matrix. |
Multiplies a scalar times a vector. |
Sep |
Separate a matrix or vector based on the criteria entered in s. |
Skew |
Converts a vector into a skew symmetric matrix. |
SkewSq |
Computes the product of two skew symmetric matrices derive from vectors. |
SkewSymm |
Converts a vector into a skew symmetric matrix |
SumC |
Always sums by column even if x is a single row. |
SumV |
Sum a set of vectors in a 3-by-n matrix |
Unit |
Unitize vectors by column. |
DeltaEig |
Computes the delta eigenvalues for a given a small perturbation of a, e |
FTrunc |
Simulates floating point truncation to -. |
FindIfInBetween |
Determines if x is in between odd-even pairs. |
FloatToTwosComplement |
Converts a float to two's complement array. |
Odd |
1 if the value is odd |
R2P5 |
Rounds towards zero to the nearest 1/2. |
Ramp |
Generate a ramp signal at t0 from value v0 to vF in time interval t |
Ramps |
Generates ramps for any number of inputs. Since version 10. |
RoundN |
Round to n decimal places |
TriangleWave |
Generates a triangle wave. 0 is the beginning and 2*pi is the end. |
TwosComplementToFloat |
Converts a two's complement array to float. |
BinomialTheorem |
Computes the binomial theorem. |
CRand |
Covariance matrix transformation |
CableTensionExample |
Cable tension example. |
Combinations |
The number of combinations of r articles in n samples. |
ConfidenceInterval |
Computes the confidence interval. |
CovarianceRHS |
Generates the covariance derivative. |
EMarkov |
Find the correlation time and the mean squared value for a Markov sequence. |
ErrorCombination |
Combine errors given a function. |
GaussianCPDF |
Cumulative probability density function for a Gaussian |
GaussianPDF |
Compute the probability density function for a Gaussian distribution. |
GaussianRSG |
Gaussian Random Sequence Generator Using the Box-Mueller Transform |
Markov |
Generate random output from a Gauss-Markov process. |
NormalDistribution |
Matrix normal or Gaussian distribution. |
RMarkov |
Generates the autocorrelation function for a Markov Process. |
RandP |
Generate a Poission random matrix. |
RandPM |
Generates uniform random matrices between -1 and +1 |
RandPN |
Generate a Poission random matrix using a normal approximation. |
Random |
Compute a random nxm matrix |
SMarkov |
Generates the spectral function for a Markov Process. |
SignTest |
Compare the relative accuracy of two signals. |
ACosD |
Inverse cosine with output in degrees. |
ACot2 |
Inverse cotangent |
ACot2D |
Inverse cotangent -180 deg < z < 180 deg |
ACotD |
Inverse cotangent with output in degrees. -90 deg <= s <= 90 deg |
ACscD |
Cosecant with output in degrees |
ASecD |
Cosecant |
ASinD |
Inverse sine with output in degrees |
ATan2D |
Inverse tangent -180 < z < 180 |
ATanD |
Inverse tangent with output in degrees. -90 < s < 90 |
CosD |
Cosine with input in degrees |
CosX |
Computes the value of the cosine function. |
CotD |
Cotangent |
CscD |
Cosecant with input in degrees. |
DeltCirc |
Find the angle between x and y. |
LinearSinCosToQuadCos |
Compute quadratic coefficients on cos(x) from linear eqn |
SecD |
Secant |
SinD |
Sine with input in degrees |
SinX |
Computes the value of the sine function given the argument in degrees. |
SolveLinearSinCos |
Algebraically solve x for equation: a*sin(x) + b*cos(x) + c = 0 |
TanD |
Tangent with input in degrees |
TrigReduction |
Solve a*sin(beta) + b*cos(beta) = c. |
UnwrapPhase |
Unwrap a vector of angular values to change continuously. |
VerSin |
Produces a smoothly varying function from 0 to xMax. |
WrapPhase |
Wrap a phase angle (or vector of angles) to keep it between -pi and +pi |