
Path: Math/Analysis

% Performs a wavelet transform using a Morlet Wavelet
 Also called a Gabor transform

 Type WaveletMorlet for a demo

 The demo plots the wavelet analysis of a signal with two components:
 one with frequency 5 kHz (w1) and one with a frequency that modulates
 in time around 50 kHz (w2) at frequency 1 kHz (w3).

   fConv = WaveletMorlet(t,f,w,xEnv)

   t               (1,:) Time vector for the signal vector. Units of
                         seconds. Must be uniformly spaced for the
   f               (1,:) Signal vector to analyze.
   w               (:,1) Angular frequency vector, on which to determine
                         the wavelet transform value. Units of rad/s.
   xEnv            (1,1) Envelope width parameter for the Morlet Wavelet.
                         Determines tradeoff between frequency and time
                         resolution. Default: 10

   fConv           (:,:) Wavelet transform value. Has dimension 1 size of
                         the w vector and dimension 2 size of the f
                         vector. Same units as the f vector. Amplitude is
                         approximately the pkpk value, but Plancherel's
                         theorem does NOT hold.


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