Path: Missions/Comsat
% Computes the total disturbance torque for the ComStar satellite. The disturbances include solar, gravity gradient, RF and residual dipole. This does not use the CAD disturbance package. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- See also TGG, TRF, Loc3D, SolarF, Shadow, SumRXF, BMF, SCSeries, ComStar, SunBeta, Constant, NewFig, TitleS, XLabelS, YLabelS, Cross, DupVect, SumV, Date2JD, Geo, GeoEclps ------------------------------------------------------------------------- % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright 1994-1998 Princeton Satellite Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Since version 2. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Missions: Comsat/ComStar Missions: Comsat/Shadow SC: Attitude/SumRXF SC: Disturbances/SolarF SC: Disturbances/TGG SC: Disturbances/TRF SC: Environs/BMF SC: Environs/Geo SC: Environs/GeoEclps Common: Database/Constant Common: FileUtils/FindDirectory Common: GUIs/Figui Common: Graphics/Loc3D Common: Graphics/NewFig Common: Graphics/TitleS Common: Graphics/XLabelS Common: Graphics/YLabelS Common: Time/Date2JD Math: Analysis/SCSeries Math: Linear/Cross Math: Linear/DupVect Math: Linear/SumV
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