
Path: Missions/Comsat

% Computes the total disturbance torque for the ComStar satellite.
 The disturbances include solar, gravity gradient, RF and residual
 dipole. This does not use the CAD disturbance package.

  See also TGG, TRF, Loc3D, SolarF, Shadow, SumRXF, BMF, SCSeries, 
  ComStar, SunBeta, Constant, NewFig, TitleS, XLabelS, YLabelS, Cross, 
  DupVect, SumV, Date2JD, Geo, GeoEclps
   Copyright 1994-1998 Princeton Satellite Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
   Since version 2.


Missions: Comsat/ComStar
Missions: Comsat/Shadow
SC: Attitude/SumRXF
SC: Disturbances/SolarF
SC: Disturbances/TGG
SC: Disturbances/TRF
SC: Environs/BMF
SC: Environs/Geo
SC: Environs/GeoEclps
Common: Database/Constant
Common: FileUtils/FindDirectory
Common: GUIs/Figui
Common: Graphics/Loc3D
Common: Graphics/NewFig
Common: Graphics/TitleS
Common: Graphics/XLabelS
Common: Graphics/YLabelS
Common: Time/Date2JD
Math: Analysis/SCSeries
Math: Linear/Cross
Math: Linear/DupVect
Math: Linear/SumV

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