Missions Module |
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AlphaCentauriSystem | Model of the Alpha-Centauri system. |
RHSAlphaCentauriMission | Simple dynamical model for a flight to Alpha-Centauri. |
GVEGuidance | Apply Gauss Variation Equations to determine in-plane thrust direction. |
LowThrustDVToTransfer | Compute delta-v assuming full thrust applied during all transfer times. |
LowThrustGVERHS | Right-hand side for low thrust GVE simulation. |
LowThrustGVE_EventFcn | Stopping event function for low thrust GVE sim using ode solver. |
LowThrustRendezvousSim | Simulation of low thrust maneuver to rendezvous with target orbit. |
LowThrustTimeToTransfer | Compute the time to transfer each element from initial to target value. |
ATTDataT | Generates the data needed for a attitude data collection in TrnsfOrb.m |
ComStar | The ComStar satellite properties database GUI. |
DST | Simulate a dual-spin-turn. |
DSTDataT | Generates the data needed for a dual spin turn in TrnsfOrb.m |
DlVDataT | Generates the data needed for a delta Vs in TrnsfOrb.m |
FuelUpdt | Updates the fuel mass. |
GetHSA | Gets HSA attitude data |
HSMA | Computes the half system moment arms |
InjDataT | Generates the data needed for an injection in TrnsfOrb.m |
IntData | Generates the data needed for initialization in TransferOrbit.m |
OddEven | Count the number of odd and even numbered thrusters in use. |
OrbitDeltaV | Updates orbital elements based on an impulsive delta-V |
PitchEst | Kalman Filter for pitch |
PitchLoop | Design the Pitch Loop including a tach loop for the wheel. |
Pressure | Computes the REA and tank pressure |
REA | Computes the thrust and fuel consumed for thrusters. |
RollEst | Designs the dual-spin-turn roll estimator |
SKDataF | Generates the data needed to compute stationkeeping maneuvers |
SPMDataF | Computes spin precession maneuver data for fuel budgets |
SPMDataT | Generates the data needed for an SPM maneuver in TrnsfOrb.m |
SPMMnvr | Performs a spin precession maneuver. |
Shadow | Find the surfaces that are in shadow. |
SpinChange | Simulates a spin change. |
SpinDataF | Computes spin precession maneuver data for fuel budgets |
SpinDataT | Generates the data needed for a spin change in TrnsfOrb.m |
SpinREst | Estimates rate from measurements of period |
ThrustLevel | Computes the thrust level of a set of thrusters. |
ThrustModel | Computes the thruster torques based on exponential rise and fall time model. |
TransferOrbit | Simulates transfer orbit |
ComStarI.mat | ComStar inertia data. |
DistModel.mat | Comsat disturbance model data. |
NoiseF.mat | Comsat noise filter matrices |
PMWA.txt | Comsat MWA controller matrices. |
RYC.mat | Comsat roll/yaw control data. |
ComStarI.mat | ComStar inertia data. |
DistModel.mat | Comsat disturbance model data. |
NoiseF.mat | Comsat noise filter matrices |
PMWA.txt | Comsat MWA controller matrices. |
RYC.mat | Comsat roll/yaw control data. |
AlphaCentauriApproach | Analysis of approach orbits to Alpha Centauri binary system |
AlphaCentauriFlight | Simulate a mission to Alpha-Centauri. |
AlphaCentauriGeometry | Draw the Earth-relative geometry of the Alpha-Centauri binary star system |
AlphaCentauriMission | Alpha-Centauri mission |
AlphaCentauriMissionDesign | Explore parameter space for straight-line interstellar mission |
AlphaCentauriOpticalLink | Create an optical link budget for an Alpha-Centauri mission. |
StarshipDesign | Design the starship |
AsteroidProspectorMars | Asteroid Prospector Mars mission planning. |
AsteroidProspectorSim | Asteroid Prospector Simulation |
AsteroidProspectorThrusterLayout | Analyze the thruster layout for the Asteroid Prospector spacecraft |
AsteroidProxOpsDemo | Simulate proximity operations around an asteroid. |
BuildAsteroidProspector | Build the CAD model of the Asteroid Prospector spacecraft. |
DesignAsteroidProspector | Design a mission to visit an asteroid with a small satellite |
ComStarAKM | Simulate the AKM firing for the ComStar spacecraft. |
ComStarAcq | The acquisition sequence for the ComStar satellite. |
ComStarBuild | Generates the mass properties for the ComStar demo satellite. |
ComStarDST | Simulate the ComStar dual spin turn. |
ComStarDist | Computes the total disturbance torque for the ComStar satellite. |
ComStarESAN | Designs earth sensor noise filters for the ComStar satellite. |
ComStarPBudget | Demonstrate a pointing budget for a typical satellite. |
ComStarPD | Design a PD controller for pitch for the ComStar satellite. |
ComStarPMWA | Tests the MWA pitch loop for the ComStar satellite. |
ComStarRYLF | Design and test the low frequency roll/yaw control system. |
ComStarRYNut | Design and test the nutation compensator. |
ComStarSK | Compensate the flexible solar array on the ComStar Spacecraft. |
ComStarSPM | Simulate a spin precession maneuver for ComStar. |
ComStarSpinup | Demonstrate the automatic spin up for ComStar. |
ComStarTransferOrbit | Simulates transfer orbit for ComStar. |
FlexModel | Analyze the flexible solar array on the ComStar Spacecraft. |
RollYawDoublePivot | Design a roll/yaw controller using a double pivot |
FRSSim | Simulate the fast reorientation system. |
QPropDemo | Simulate the fast reorientation system and demonstrate quaternion propagation |
ArtemisLMCAD | Design a fully reusable lunar lander |
DVFromGatewayTo15km | Maneuver from Gateway to 15 km |
LoadOrionFile | Demonstrate converting an OBJ model to CAD. |
LunarLanderSim | Demonstrate lunar lander guidance |
LunarLandingFminCon2D | Compute a landing trajectory using fmincon |
LunarLandingOptimize3DLeastSquares | Least Squares Optimization |
OptimalLunarLanding2D | Test fmincon against an analytical solution for the linear tangent law |
OptimalLunarlanding3D | Test fmincon against an analytical solution for the linear tangent law |
OrionNew.mat | Subsystem model for Orion |
Orion_spacecraft_game_R.obj | OBJ file of Orion |
LunarLanderCAD | Generate lunar lander CAD model |
LunarLanderThrusterLayout | Analyze the thruster layout for the lunar lander |
LunarMissionDesign | Lunar mission planning |
LunarMissionSim | Lunar transfer simulation |
LunarOrbitInsertionDemo | Lunar Orbit Insertion Demo |
LunarPolarMissionDesign | Lunar polar mission planning |
LunarVisibilitySim | A lunar visibility analysis |
MarsMoonSim | Spacecraft simulation around Mars with Phobos and Deimos |
DFDPlutoMissionCAD | Generate Direct Fusion Drive (DFD) Pluto Orbiter CAD model |
PlutoBeamedPower | Pluto mission beamed power |
PlutoDFDMission | Pluto mission delta-Vs using DFD, Lambert solutions |
PlutoLander3D | 3D lander simulation at Pluto. |
PlutoLanderCAD | Generate Pluto lander model |
PlutoMission | Design a Pluto mission using DFD |
SunNadirPointingSim | Implements and simulates Sun nadir pointing control. |
FRSCGen | Executes the fast reorientation system slew maneuver. |
FRSMPlan | Plans the fast reorientation system slew maneuver. |
FRSProp | Propagates the target profile for the fast reorientation slew maneuver. |
FRSTarg | Compute the target quaternion for the fast reorientation system. |
FRSTorque | Calculates the torque for the fast reorientation system slew maneuver. |
ConstraintFun | YALMIP constraint function. |
FuelMassFromAccel | Computes the fuel mass to achieve the desired acceleration vector. |
LandingConst2D | Equality constraints for the landing for a 2D flat planet problem. |
LandingConst3D | Equality constraints for the landing for a 2D flat planet problem. |
LandingCost2D | Cost for the landing for a 2D flat planet problem. |
LandingCost3D | Cost for the landing for a 3D planet problem. |
LunarLandingControl | Spacecraft control during landing. |
LunarLandingTargetState | Lunar landing target state |
LunarTarget | Lunar surface landing target |
LunarTrajectoryControl | Generates the lunar landing trajectory |
ObjectiveFun | YALMIP objective function. |
OrbitStateMatrices | Generate the orbit state matrices |
OrbitStatePropagation | Compare the state transition matrix to numerical integration |
PropagateState | Propagate the 2D state for the landing problem. |
PropagateState3D | Propagate the 3D state for the landing problem. |
RHSPlanet3D | Cartesian orbital equations in a planet fixed (rotating) frame. |
RHSPlanet3DPFFrame | Cartesian orbital equations in a planet fixed (rotating) frame. |
RHSPlanet3DToAB | This function computes the matrices a and b for dx/dt = a*x + b*u . |
SecondOrderGuidance | Implements a 2nd order guidance law |
SecondOrderGuidance3D | Implements a 2nd order guidance law in 3 dimensions |
Simulate2DLanding | Simulate the 2D landing problem and generate plots. |
Simulate3DLanding | Simulate a 3D landing and generate plots. |
ApolloGuidanceCoordinates | Computes Apollo guidance coordinates |
ApolloLunarDescentGuidance | Apollo lunar module landing guidance |
ApolloTrajectory | Generates an Apollo lunar landing trajectory. |
CommandListProcessing | Processes command lists. |
FThrustLander | Returns thrust and exhaust velocity for a rocket engine. |
LandingEnergy | Landing energy |
LandingLegsCAD | Generates a CAD component for a lunar module first stage legs. |
LunarMissionControl | Implements a lunar mission control system. |
LunarOrbitInsertion | Computes parameters for a lunar orbit insertion. |
LunarTargeting | Generate transfer orbit elements for a lunar mission. |
LunarVisibility | Computes visibility of a satellite in lunar orbit. |
PlanetWithTerrainPatch | Generate vertices and faces for a planet patch with terrain. |
PlotLunarOrbit | Plot a 3D orbit around the moon. |
RHSLunarOrbit | Right hand side for a lunar mission simulation with only orbit dynamics. |
RHSRVPlanetFixed | Right hand side for translational motion in the planet fixed frame. |
RungeKutta4thOrder | Fourth order Runge-Kutta, compatible with ode113. |
RHSMarsOrbit | Right hand side for a Mars orbit simulation. |
CDist | Control demand distribution |
Core2SA | Transform core frame to solar array frame |
I2B | Transform sun vector from I frame to body frame |
ICSN | Initial quaternion and solar array angle given the sun geometry. |
RHSSNP | Spacecraft sun-nadir RHS with 4 RWA's and 2 solar arrays. |
SA2Core | Transform a vector from the sun sensor frame to the core frame |
SAForm | Creates a small angle transformation matrix. |
SSAD | Sun sensor attitude determination for sun-nadir pointing. |
SSOutput | Models the output for array mounted analog sun sensors. |
SunRA | Compute the orbit right ascension angle |
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