Path: Missions/Comsat
% Performs a spin precession maneuver. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Form: [fuelUsed, qECIToBody] = SPMMnvr( p, tId, pulsewidth, jD, inertia, cM, w, rAI, decI, rAF, decF, database ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Inputs ------ p (1,:) Thruster pressure (psia) tId (1,:) Thruster ids pulsewidth (1,1) Pulsewidth for all thrusters jD (1,1) Julian date inertia (3,3) Spacecraft inertia cM (3,1) Spacecraft center-of-mass w (3,1) Initial body rate rAI (1,1) Initial right ascension (rad) decI (1,1) Initial declination (rad) rAF (1,1) Final right ascension (rad) decF (1,1) Final declination (rad) database (1,:) Database to use -------- Database -------- 'SSA Boresight Vector' 'REA Rise Time' 'REA Fall Time' 'Spin Axis' 'SSA FOV' 'SSA Boresight Vector' 'SSA Aperture Vector' 'r thruster' 'u thruster' 'REA Model' ------- Outputs ------- fuelUsed (1,n) Fuel used per thruster qECIToBody (4,:) The ECI to body quaternion --------------------------------------------------------------------------
AerospaceUtils: Coord/RaDec2Q AerospaceUtils: Coord/U2RADec Missions: Comsat/REA Missions: Comsat/ThrustModel SC: Actuator/MomArm SC: Attitude/NPSPM SC: Ephem/SunV1 SC: Sensor/SSA Common: Database/Constant Common: Graphics/NewFig Common: Graphics/Plot2D Common: Graphics/TitleS Common: Graphics/XLabelS Common: Graphics/YLabelS Common: Graphics/ZLabelS Common: Quaternion/QForm Common: Quaternion/QTForm Math: Integration/RK4 Math: Linear/Cross Math: Linear/Unit Math: Trigonometry/CosD Math: Trigonometry/SinD
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