Path: Missions/FastReorientation

% Plans the fast reorientation system slew maneuver. 
   All outputs feed the command generator.

   Since version 2.
   [qRefTo0, axis0, maxAccel, nHalf, tBBScale, xModel, uMnvr]
    = FRSMPlan( qRefTo0, maxAccel, dT, iner, qRefTo1 )

   qRefTo0        (4,1)  Quaternion from the reference to the s/c
   maxAccel       (1,1)  Maximum acceleration
   dT             (1,1)  Control time period
   iner           (3,3)  Inertia matrix
   qRefTo1        (4,1)  Target quaternion

   qRefTo0       (4,1)   Initial quaternion from the reference to the s/c
   axis0         (3,1)   Maneuver axis unit vector
   maxAccel      (3,1)   Maximum acceleration
   nHalf         (1,1)   Half the number of control periods in the maneuver 
   tBBscale      (3,1)   Converts acceleration to torque
   xModel        (2,1)   Initial model angle and rate (0,0)
   uMnvr         (1,1)   Starting sign of the maneuver (+1)



Common: Quaternion/Q2AU
Common: Quaternion/QMult
Common: Quaternion/QPose
Math: Linear/Mag
Math: Linear/Unit

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