
Path: Missions/LunarLanding

% Generates the lunar landing trajectory
 With action 'initialize' it creates an optimal trajectory from the
 start time to termination. It automatically selects the start time.
 jD must be less thatn d.jDTarget. If not, it returns an error.

 Type LunarTrajectoryControl for a demo for a polar landing

     d = LunarTrajectoryControl( action, x, jD, d )

   action  (1,:) Action
   x       (6,1) State ECI Frame (km,km/s)
   jD      (1,1) Julian date
   d       (.)   Data structure
                 .dT         (1,1) Time step (s)
                 .xTargetLF  (6,1) Target in the LF frame
                 .jDTarget   (1,1) Desired landing date
                 .xTrajECI   (6,:) Desired trajectory    
                 .accelMax   (1,1) Acceleration in lunar gravity g

   d       (.)   Augmented data structure
                 .thrustECI  (3,1) ECI thrust vector
                 .xTrajECI   (6,:) Desired trajectory            
                 .tTraj      (1,:) Corresponding times 
                 .error      (1,:) Error flag



OpticalNavigation: Optimization/OptimalLunarLanding
OpticalNavigation: Utilities/LFToECI
OpticalNavigation: Utilities/RotateOrbit
Orbit: Visualization/PlotPlanetaryOrbit
SC: BasicOrbit/Period
Common: Database/Constant
Common: GUIs/Figui
Common: Graphics/Plot2D
Common: Graphics/Plot3D
Common: Time/Date2JD
Math: Linear/Mag

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