
Path: OpticalNavigation/Measurements

% Measure star angle and chord
 It allows two targets. Target 2 is the central body. Target 1 is any
 other body. For example Target 2 could be the Earth or Sun and Target 1
 the Moon or Mars. The central body is the gravitational reference.
   d = MeasStarAngleAndChord
   [y,d] = MeasStarAngleAndChord( x, d )

   x	(6,1)   State [r;v] ECI
   d	(.)     Data structure
             .target     (1,1) Target that is in use
             .type       (1,1) 1 = centroid, 2 = horizon
             .ref        (1,1) Target reference (2 is the central body)
             .r1         (3,1) Position of body 1
             .v1         (3,1) Velocity of body 1
             .aBody1     (1,1) Radius of body 1 (km)
             .aBody2     (1,1) Radius of body 2 (km)
             .cam        (.)   Camera data structure

   y	(:,1)   [ang;chord]



SCPro: ProSensors/HorizonUnitVectors
Math: Linear/Mag
Math: Linear/Unit

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