OpticalNavigation Module |
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NavigationCameraSunStar | Returns the sun angular radius and intensity and star vectors |
OpticalNavigation | Implements optical navigation using two targets. |
OpticalNavigationSun | Implements optical navigation using the Sun as a target |
SelectTarget | Determines which target to select for optical navigation |
ApophisImage1.png | Generated Apophis file |
ApophisImage2.png | Generated Apophis file |
ApophisImage3.png | Generated Apophis file |
LROApollo1164.jpg | Photograph of the moon from LRO 64 by 64 |
LunarNet.mat | Saved lunar nagivation neural net |
LunarSurfaceImage.png | LRO image |
LunarLandingTRNSim | Lunar Landing NRN Sim |
NavigationDemo | Demonstrate navigation in low earth orbit. |
ONSCisLunarSimulation | Simulate ONS for elements of a lunar mission |
ONSHelioSimulation | Simulate ONS for elements of a heliocentric mission |
ONSLunarMissionDesign | Lunar mission planning |
ONSMessengerSimulation | Simulate ONS for a spacecraft that flies by Mercury |
ONSSailSimulation | Simulate ONS for a solar sail near the L1 Lagrange point |
OpticalNavHorizon | Estimate the orbit position using horizon measurements |
OpticalNavSunStars | Optical navigation demo in the solar system |
CreateTerrainImages | Create terrain snippets to train and test the deep learning algorithm |
LanderNNSim | Simulate a lunar overflight |
TerrainNeuralNet | Script implementing the terrain neural net |
ImageGeneration | Increase resolution of Apophis |
SyntheticTerrain | SyntheticTerrain is a script created to create synthetic terrain |
PlanetSim2D | Simulate a 2D planetary orbit |
RHSCisLunarMission | Right hand side for a lunar mission |
RHSHelioMission | Right hand side for a planetary mission |
RHSPlanet2D | Right-hand-side for a 2 dimensional planet takeoff. |
RHSPlanet3DONS | Right-hand-side for a 3 dimensional planet takeoff. |
RHSStateLunarMission | Right hand side for a lunar mission |
RHSUKFCisLunarMission | Right hand side for a lunar mission for use in the UKF. |
RHSUKFHelioMission | Right hand side for a heliocentric mission |
MeasRangeGroundStationEF | Range and range rate to ground station. |
MeasStarAngleAndChord | Measure star angle and chord |
TerrainCamera | TERRAINCAMERA Models a camera taking a photo of terrain |
LandingConst2DONS | Equality constraints for the landing for a 2D flat planet problem. |
LandingCost2DONS | Cost for the landing for a 2D flat planet problem. |
OptimalLunarLanding | Compute an optimal landing |
CatmullRomSpline | Calculate Catmull–Rom for a chain of points with x 1:4 |
ImageGallery | Display images in a gallery |
PrintToImage | Prints specified figure to an image file at a specified size. |
StitchImages | StitchImages |
LFToECI | Lunar fixed to ECI transformation |
PlotXYTrajectory | Draw an xy trajectory over an image |
RotateOrbit | Rotate a trajectory to be in the desired plane |
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