
Path: OpticalNavigation/Core

% Simulate ONS for elements of a lunar mission

 This only simulates the orbital motion. 

 The right hand side can be referenced to either the Earth or the Moon.

 There are five built-in test cases:

 'gps orbit'         Reference is the Earth horizon from GPS altitude
 'earth orbit'       Reference is the Earth horizon from equatorial LEO
 'cis-lunar to moon' Switches from Earth horizon, to Earth center to Moon Center
 'reentry'           Experiences high disturbance forces
 'lunar orbit'       Reference is the lunar horizon

  See also ONSMessengerSimulation, ONSHelioSimulation, LunarLandingTRNSim
   Copyright (c) 2021 Princeton Satellite Systems, Inc.
   All rights reserved.
   Since version 2021.1


OpticalNavigation: Core/OpticalNavigation
OpticalNavigation: Dynamics/RHSCisLunarMission
OpticalNavigation: Dynamics/RHSUKFCisLunarMission
OpticalNavigation: Measurements/MeasStarAngleAndChord
Orbit: Visualization/EarthMoon
SC: BasicOrbit/Period
SC: BasicOrbit/RV2El
SC: Ephem/PlanetPosJPL
SCPro: ProSensors/GPSSatellite
SCPro: ProSensors/NavigationCamera
SCPro: ProSensors/StarCameraViewer
SpacecraftEstimation: SensorMeas/MeasGPS
SpacecraftEstimation: SensorMeas/MeasRangeGroundStation
Common: Database/Constant
Common: GUIs/Figui
Common: GUIs/TimeDisplay
Common: Graphics/NewFig
Common: Graphics/Plot2D
Common: Graphics/PrintFig
Common: Graphics/TimeLabl
Common: Graphics/XLabelS
Common: Graphics/YLabelS
Common: Quaternion/U2Q
Common: Time/Date2JD
Math: Integration/RK4
Math: Linear/Mag

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