Path: OpticalNavigation/Dynamics
% Right hand side for a lunar mission This includes all phases from lunar landing to Earth reentry. The reentry vehicle can be controlled using angle of attack and bank angle. It does not include fuel consumption. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Form: [xDot, rMoon, vMoon, aAero, acc] = RHSStateLunarMission(x,t,d) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Inputs ------ x (6,1) [r;v;m] (km,km/s) t (1,1) Time (s) d (.) Data structure .mu (2,1) [mu Earth; mu Moon] (km^3/s^2).. .ref (1,1) Orbit reference 1 is the moon, 2 is the Earth .thrust (3,1) Thrust vector (kN) .jD0 (1,1) Reference Julian data (days) .uE (1,1) Exhaust velocity (m/s) .mD (1,1) Dry mass (kg) .cD0 (1,1) Zero lift drag coefficent .cLAlpha (1,1) Lift coefficent .s (1,1) Surface area (m^2) .alpha (1,1) Angle of attack (rad) .bankAngle (1,1) Bank angle (rad); ------- Outputs ------- xDot (7,1) d[r;v;m/dt] (km,km/s,kg) rMoon (3,1) Position of moon in ECI (km) vMoon (3,1) Velocity of moon in ECI (km/s) aAero (3,1) Aerodynamic acceleration (km/s^2) acc (3,1) Total non-gravitational acceleration (km/s^2) --------------------------------------------------------------------------
AerospaceUtils: AtmosphericCalculations/AtmDens2 Orbit: OrbitMechanics/APlanet SC: Ephem/PlanetPosJPL Common: Database/Constant Common: Time/JD2000 Math: Linear/Cross Math: Linear/Mag Math: Linear/Unit
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