Path: Orbit/RHSOrbit
% Computes the right hand side for a gravity model. Allows for any spherical harmonic model to be passed in as a data structure. Uses the highest fidelity Earth ephemeris function. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Form: xDot = RHSGeoHarm( x, t, d ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Inputs ------ x (6,1) Position vector [rECI (km); vECI (km)]; t (1,1) Time since start Julian Date (s) d (.) Gravity model data structure .nN (1,1) Highest zonal harmonic (m = 0) .nM (1,1) Highest sectorial and tesseral harmonic .s (:,:) S terms .c (:,:) C terms .j (1,:) m = 0 terms .mu (1,1) Spherical gravitational potential .a (1,1) Planet radius .jD0 (1,1) Start Julian Date .isNormalized (1) Coefficient are normalized, or not ------- Outputs ------- xDot (6,1) [rDot;vDot] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- See also: TruEarth, AGravityC --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Orbit: GravityModels/LoadGEM Orbit: GravityModels/NormalizationMatrix Orbit: OrbitMechanics/AGravityC SC: Ephem/EOfE SC: Ephem/EarthNut SC: Ephem/EarthPre SC: Ephem/EarthRot SC: Ephem/GMSTime SC: Ephem/MSidDay SC: Ephem/NutDelta SC: Ephem/ObOfE SC: Ephem/TruEarth SC: SCMat/GEMT1 Common: CommonData/SwooshWatermark Common: General/CellToMat Common: General/DeBlankLT Common: General/DispWithTitle Common: General/MatToCell Common: General/Watermark Common: Graphics/Mesh2 Common: Graphics/NewFig Common: Graphics/Plot2D Common: Graphics/PltStyle Common: Graphics/XLabelS Common: Graphics/YLabelS Common: Graphics/ZLabelS Common: Time/DTSToDTA Common: Time/Date2JD Common: Time/JD2000 Common: Time/JD2T Common: Time/JDToMidnight Math: Linear/DupVect Math: Linear/Factorl Math: MathUtils/R2P5 Math: Trigonometry/CosD Math: Trigonometry/SinD
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