Path: Orbit/RHSOrbit
% Continuous form of linearized orbit (Hills equations). x and y are in the orbit plane. x is radial. z is out of plane. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Form: [xDot,A,B] = RHSLinOrb( x, ~, n, u) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Inputs ------ x (6,1) [x;y;z;vX;vY;vZ] [dr;rtheta;z;ddr/dt;drtheta/dt;dz/dt] t (1,1) Time (unused) n (1,1) Orbital Rate (rad/s) u (3,1) Control acceleration ------- Outputs ------- xDot (6,1) d[x;y;z;vX;vY;vZ]/dt A (6,6) State matrix B (6,3) Input matrix --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Orbit: RHSOrbit/LinOrb
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