
Path: Propulsion/Rocket

% Computes the constant mass that will produce the same delta-V.
   Given a change in velocity and exhaust velocity this routine
   will compute the equivalent constant mass that will produce the
   same delta-v as a time-varying mass.

   Type MassEquivalentDV for a demo. It shows that the total delta-v
   is the same. As expected, the time varying delta-v changes more
   slowly at first and faster at the end.

   Units may be of any type as long as they are consistent. Examples are

   Since version 2014.1
   [mEq, tBurn, mF] = MassEquivalentDV( dV, uE, mI, thrust )

   dV      (1,1)	Desired change in velocity (km/s)
   uE      (1,1)	Exhaust velocity (km/s)
   mI      (1,1) Initial mass (kg)
   thrust	(1,1)	Thrust (kN)

   mEq 	  (1,1) Equivalent constant mass
   tBurn   (1,1)	Burn duration
   mF      (1,1) Mass of fuel



Common: CommonData/SwooshWatermark
Common: General/CellToMat
Common: General/MatToCell
Common: General/Watermark
Common: Graphics/NewFig
Common: Graphics/Plot2D
Common: Graphics/PltStyle
Common: Graphics/TimeLabl

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