Propulsion Module |
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DesignUpperStage | Design an upper stage using RocketMass and create a CAD model. |
Fuels | Computes molecular weight, ratio of specific heats and gas constant |
MassVolH2O2 | H2/O2 mass and volume. |
QRFuel | The lower heating value for fuels. |
QRHydrocarbon | The lower heating value for a hydrocarbon fuel. |
QRHydrogen | The lower heating value for H2 + 1/2 O2 -> H20. |
RocketH2O2 | H2/O2 rocket model. |
ColdGasDemo | Demonstrate cold gas propulsion |
DesignThruster | Demonstrate thruster design |
PropulsionSystemDesignLEO | Design a propulsion system for a low-earth orbit satellite |
TBlodown | Demonstrate blow down. Most satellites use unregulated blowdown systems. |
TSolid | Demonstrate a solid rocket motor. |
ElectricPropulsionDemo | Design an electric powered transfer vehicle. |
OptimalElectricSpacecraft | Generate the optimal electric propulsion system for a given delta-V. |
OrionPropulsionDesign | Layout thrusters for the Orion capsule. |
EVToV | Convert electron volts to velocity. |
ElectricPropulsionDesign | Design an electric propulsion system. |
ElectricThrust | Compute the electric propulsion thrust from power and specific impulse. |
ElectricThrusterPower | Compute the electric propulsion power from thrust and specific impulse. |
FElectricPropulsion | Computes the total mass, fuel mass and power for an electric thruster. |
HallThrusterArray | Create a PPPL Hall thruster array picture. |
KEVToJ | Convert keV to J. |
OptimalVehicle | Finds an electric thrust propelled mass-optimal vehicle. |
SpecificPower | Computes the specific power of engine/power plant combinations |
TElec | Computes the thrust and specific impulse of an electric thruster. |
TVDesign | Design an electric transfer vehicle from delta-V. |
VToEV | Convert velocity to electron volts. |
AreaRatioFromMach | Computes the area ratio from Mach Number. |
BloDownMass | Generates a blowdown curve of mass vs pressure. |
CombTemp | Computes the combustion temperature of a gas mixture. |
Gamma | Computes the ratio of specific heats of a gas mixture. |
GasMass | Generates a blowdown curve of mass vs pressure. |
IsentropicExpansion | Computes isentropic expansion. |
MachFromAreaRatio | Computes the Mach number from area ratio. The throat is at Mach 1. |
MachNumber | Compute the Mach number |
MolWt | Computes the molecular weight of a gas mixture. |
SpeedSnd | Compute the speed of sound. |
VolumeToPressureBD | Generates the final pressure |
EP2M | Converts structural and payload ratios into masses. |
EPPS | Payload and structural mass ratios for parallel stages. |
M2EP | Converts masses to structural and payload ratios. |
M2MS | Converts total, final and payload masses to stage masses and ratios. |
MS2M | Converts stage and payload masses to total masses and final masses. |
MSTOR | Computes the multistage tradeoff ratios. |
NuclearThermalUE | Compute the exhaust velocity for a nuclear rocket with H2 fuel. |
ColdGas | Determines performance of a cold gas rocket. |
IdealRkt | Computes the thrust and exhaust velocity for an ideal rocket. |
Isp2V | Compute specific impulse from exhaust velocity |
MassEquivalentDV | Computes the constant mass that will produce the same delta-V. |
MinimumExhaustVelocity | Finds the minimum exhaust velocity based on the structural ratio. |
Plume | Compute the plume forces and torques on a set of elemental areas. |
RocketChemical | Computes the thrust and exhaust velocity of a chemical rocket. |
RocketFromUEAndT | Computes the thrust and exhaust velocity as a function of pressure. |
RocketMass | Compute masses for a single stage to produce the required delta-v. |
RocketVariableUEAndT | Computes the thrust and exhaust velocity given one pair [uE0,t0]. |
SolidR | Computes the right hand side of the dynamical equations for a solid rocket engine |
SolidRocketInertia | Computes the inertia and inertia derivative for a solid rocket. |
TCoeff | Computes the ideal thrust coefficient for a nozzle with a diverging portion. |
ThrustToAStar | Computes throat area (A*) for a given thrust |
UE | Computes the ideal exhaust velocity of a rocket. |
UEO2H2 | Computes the exhaust velocity of a O2/H2 rocket. |
UEQR | Computes the exhaust velocity of a rocket from fuel lower heating value |
V2Isp | Compute specific impulse from exhaust velocity |
VolumeToDimension | Computes the dimensions of a tank. Four types may be entered: |
RocketEquationRelativistic | The rocket equation including special relativity. |
SphericalTankFluidHeight | Compute the height of fuel in a spherical fuel tank. |
ThrusterLayout | Tool for thruster layout. |
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