Path: Propulsion/Electric
% Computes the specific power of engine/power plant combinations Power plants are fusion and nep, nuclear electric propulsion. Engines are DFD (direct thrust production), Lithium force accelerator, ion and Hall. The specific powers are combined as: sigma = 1/(1/sigmaP + 1/sigmaE) Type SpecificPower for the specific power for a NEP and Hall combination. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Form: [sigma,sigmas] = SpecificPower( powerPlant, engine ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Inputs ------ powerPlant (1,:) 'fusion' or 'nep' engine (1,:) 'dfd', 'lifa', 'ion', 'hall', 'mpd' ------- Outputs ------- sigma (1,1) Specific power (kW/kg) sigmas (1,2) Specific power of [plant engine] --------------------------------------------------------------------------
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