
Path: SC/Sensor

% Models a generic 2 dimensional optical sensor.

   h.boresight     (3,1)    Boresight axis in the body frame
   h.yAxis         (3,1)    yAxis of the focal plane in the body frame
   h.xWidth        (1,1)    X width of the focal plane
   h.yWidth        (1,1)    Y width of the focal plane
   h.focalLength   (1,1)    Focal length
   h.noise1Sigma   (1,1)    1 sigma noise
   h.xBias         (1,1)    Bias
   h.yBias         (1,1)    Bias
   Since version 2.
   x = Optic2D( h, u )

   h             (:,:)  Data structure for the sensor
   u             (3,:)  Unit vectors for the targets

   x             (:,:)  Focal plane coordinates



SC: Sensor/U2FP
Common: General/DeBlankLT
Common: Graphics/NewFig
Common: Graphics/PltStyle
Common: Graphics/XLabelS
Common: Graphics/YLabelS
Math: Linear/Cross
Math: Linear/Unit

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