
Path: SpacecraftEstimation/StellarModels

% Spread of a point light source due to defocusing
 Computes the spread of a point light source at infinity due to defocusing of
 the lens. The point is on the boresight of the lens. The function computes the
 total amount of light deposited in each cell of an nxn focal plane. This model
 assumes that the incoming radiation is uniformly distributed across the
 aperture. The integration function is very simple and requires a large mesh
 size for accuracy.

 If no arguments are entered it will generate a mesh plot.
   h = DeFocus( w, iAperture, fStop, focalLength, d, nMesh )

   w                  (1,1) Width of each cell in fraction of focal length
   iAperture          (1,1) Intensity of light at the aperture (watts/*^2)
   fStop              (1,1)  F stop of the lens
   focalLength        (1,1)  Focal length (*)
   d                  (1,1) Distance from lens to focal plane in fraction
                            or multiples of focalLength
   nMesh              (1,1) The number of elements in the pixel mesh
                            (Default = 20)

   * indicates any unit of length.

   h                  (n,n) Intensity profile (watts/*^2)



Common: CommonData/SwooshWatermark
Common: General/Watermark
Common: Graphics/NewFig

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