SpacecraftEstimation Module |
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EKFSSG | A standard discrete Kalman Filter. |
GyroKalmanFilter | Gyro Kalman Filter |
KFSunAndEarth2 | A Kalman Filter using the sun vector and the earth vector for GEO. |
Measurements | Outputs the set of acceptable attitude measurements from vectors. |
RMABEst | Estimates gyro bias using a steady state Kalman Filter. |
RYGCAttDet | An attitude determination system using roll/yaw gyrocompassing. |
RollYawEstimator | Estimates roll and yaw given a roll measurement and body rates. |
SunEarthAttDet | An attitude determination system using a sun and earth vector. |
SunEarthMagAttDet | Attitude determination using a sun, earth and magnetic field vectors. |
SunMagAttDet | An attitude determination system using vector measurements. |
UKFUpdateAtt | Unscented Kalman Filter measurement update step. |
YawRollGyroCompassing | Implements yaw/roll gyrocompassing attitude estimation. |
GPressure | Pressure given fuel mass for a blowdown propulsion system. |
GUKFOrbit | A linear measurement. Returns y = x. |
LatLonToNEU | Transformation matrix from EF to NEU. |
RHSEarthOrbitUKF | Point mass gravity model. |
RHSIsothermalPState | Model a spacecraft as an isothermal radiator with an input state. |
RHSIsothermalUKF | Right-hand-side for an isothermal spacecraft model. |
RHSOrbitUKF | Right-hand-side for a cartesian orbit. |
RHSPressure | Right-hand-side for a thruster based on the input pulsewidth. |
TelescopeUKF | Telescope model for satelite tracking. |
CovarianceAnalysis | Performs a covariance analysis of different gyros. |
KFSunAndEarthTest2 | Test a Kalman Filter using a sun vector and the earth vector. |
MagSimWithEstimator | Simulate attitude determination for a momentum bias spacecraft. |
SunEarthADSim | Test a sun and earth sensor attitude determination system. |
SunMagADSim | Test attitude determination with sun, earth and magnetometer. |
YRGCDemo | Demonstrate the yaw/roll gyrocompassing system. |
EarthMoonTraj.mat | Saved trajectory that passes behind the moon. |
EarthOrbitOpticalNav | Demonstrate optical navigation in earth geosynchronous transfer orbit. |
OpticalNavEarthMoon | Optical navigation demo in the Earth-Moon system. |
OpticalNavRangeAngle | Estimate the orbit position using a range and three stars |
TrajectoryLunarOpticalNavigation | Generate a trajectory for optical navigation in the Earth-Moon system |
UKFDemoOrbitOpticalNav | Demonstrate orbit estimation using a UKF and optical navigation. |
UKFDemoOrbitOpticalNavDeepSpace | Demonstrate orbit estimation using a UKF and planet centroid data. |
UKFDemoOrbitOpticalNavLunar | Demonstrate orbit estimation using a UKF and lunar landmark data. |
BatchLSQDemo | Demonstrate batch orbit determination |
FImageDemo | Demonstrates the image matching algorithm, FImage. |
ImageMatchingDemo | Demonstrates the image matching algorithm. |
OrbitDisturbanceEstimator | Demonstrates orbit disturbance estimation using linearized equations. |
OrbitKalmanFilter | Test the orbit Kalman Filter with omni and GPS measurements. |
SeqBatchLSQDemo | Demonstrate Sequential Batch Least-Squares Orbit Determination |
StellarNavigationDemo | Test stellar navigation. Uses a random star catalog. |
UKFComparison | Compares UKF. |
UKFDemoOrbit | Demonstrate orbit estimation using a UKF with full state measurements. |
UKFOrbitEstimation | Demonstrate orbit estimation using UKFPredict and UKFUpdate. |
UKFOrbitEstimationDoris | Demonstrate orbit estimation using UKFPredict and UKFUpdate. |
UnscentedKalmanSmootherDemo | UKF/UKS demonstration. |
SampleCentroidImage | Sample Image Generation script |
AttDetEKFNoGyroSim | Test a star sensor attitude determination system. |
AttDetEKFSim | Test a star sensor attitude determination system with gyros. |
AttDetUKFSim | Simulate a star sensor attitude determination system with gyros. |
KalmanFilterDemo | Demonstrate a Kalman Filter for a gyro based attitude determination system. |
PinholeCameraDemo | Demonstrate the Pinhole camera function |
QFromUDemo | Demonstrate QFromU which performs static attitude determination. |
StarIDFromImage | Pyramid Star ID from a camera image |
StarIDPyramidDemo | Test pyramid star identification with a random catalog |
IsothermalUKF | A UKF that estimates thermal parameters for an isothermal model. |
IsothermalUKFState | Estimate temperature and external flux using a UKF. |
PressureKF | Demonstrate a fuel mass Kalman filter for a blowdown system. |
UKFOrbitAnglesDemo | UKF orbit angles |
1824_ers2_crd_20100719_20_00.frd | 2 |
Asteroid.jpg | Asteroid image for centroiding. |
GibbousMoon.jpg | Gibbous moon image for centroiding. |
AsteroidCentroid | Compute the centroid for an asteroid |
NavTargetTrackingLunar | Selects landmark targets for an optical navigation system. |
NavTargetTrackingPlanetary | Selects planetary navigation targets for an optical navigation system. |
OpticalNavAccuracy | Computes optical navigation accuracy. |
OpticalNavLunarLandmarkStar | Computes optical using lunar landmarks and stars. |
OpticalNavPlanetStar | Computes optical measurements for planets and stars. |
OpticalNavPlanetStarNoiseMatrix | Computes the noise matrix for navigation with stars and planets. |
OpticalNavigationMeasurement | Computes three types of optical measurements. |
OpticalNavigationMoon | Implements optical navigation using the Moon as a target |
PlanetCentroid | Compute the centroid for a planet |
PolarStars | Find polar stars |
BatchLSQOD | Perform batch least-squares method for orbit determination. |
CDKF45 | Continuous discrete iterated Kalman Filter. |
FImage | Cost function for image matching. |
FOrbKF | Computes the right-hand-side of the orbit equations for OrbitKalmanFilter. |
FOrbitKFPointMass | Computes the right-hand-side of the for a point mass gravity model. |
GroundStation | Generate the ECI coordinates of an Earth-fixed position at a given time |
HRangeMeasurement | Generate the range/range rate measurement matrix and the estimated measurement. |
HRangeRangeRate | Measurement matrix for range and range rate |
LoadILRSDataFromFRD | Loads information from a CRD formatted file such as those used by the |
MeasDoris | Range rate to an Earth target. |
MeasEarthTarget | Range and range rate to an Earth target. |
MeasOrbitState | Full state measurement of an orbit. |
OrbitKFRHS | Computes the right-hand-side of the orbit equations about a mass point. |
OrbitODGenObs | Generates a set of observations given an initial orbit state |
ReshapeCovariance | Reshape a covariance matrix from square to a column and back. |
SeqBatchLSQOD | Perform sequential batch least-squares method for orbit determination. |
StellarNavigation | Demonstrate stellar navigation. |
RelativeStateFromPoints | Finds the transformation matrix and relative position given at least |
MeasCamera | Camera model which returns the centroid locations in the imaging plane. |
MeasEarthChord | Earth chord model for use with UKF. |
MeasGPS | GPS range and range rate model for use with UKF. |
MeasNadirStar | Nadir/star measurement for use with UKF. |
MeasRadar | 3D radar model for use with Kalman Filters. |
MeasRangeGroundStation | Range and range rate to ground station. |
MeasurementsSunMagUKF | Outputs the set of acceptable attitude measurements from vectors. |
Blobify | Group adjacent pixels together into blobs. |
CentroidCOM | Center of mass centroiding algorithm. |
CoarseCentroids | Finds the centroids given a pixelmap. |
PostProcessCOM | Post process center-of-mass data |
ProcessStarImage | Load a star image and process it for centroids. |
StarPrediction | Finds stars in the field of view |
ApplyThreshold | APPLYTHRESHOLD Apply a threshold to a pixelmap |
FitHist | Calculate a histogram of the pixels and fit a Gaussian to the mode. |
FitStarHist | Fit a 2D gaussian to a star image |
FitStarMoffat | Fit a 2D Moffat PSF to a star image |
LoadStarImage | Load a star image with imread and generate metadata. |
IntegratePSFs | Finds the output of each pixel through numerical integration. |
DrawBlobs | Draw the blobs on top of the pixelmap using imagesc. |
DrawPixelmap | Draw a pixelmap using imagesc |
DrawStarImageCentroids | Create a figure with two subplots, for the pixels and the centroids. |
PixelsHist | Plot the distribution of pixels values assuming integer bits. |
PlotCentroids | PLOTCENTROIDS Plot star centroids on the image using pcolor |
StarImageHistogram | Generate a figure with two subplots of the histogram |
AdjustMeasSetForKnownMeas | Remove known measurements and solved for measurement pairs. |
AttProp | Propagates a quaternion one step |
ComputePixelMapScale | Computes the pixel map conversion factor. |
ConvertPairs | Convert pairs from the old format to the new format |
CreateKVector | Create the k vector from an array of data |
DSTM | Computes the discrete state transition matrix for a plant. |
DSTMQ | Computes the state transition matrix for the delta quaternion only. |
GStarUKFLin | Linearized star measurement function for in the UKF. |
GStarUKFNL | Nonlinear star measurement function for use in the UKF. |
IntGyroQuaternion | Propagates the quaternion assuming constant rate. |
Occurences | Finds the number of unique numbers in x and how many times they appear. |
PinholeCameraStruct | Default data structure for a pinhole camera. |
PinholeStarCamera | Models a pinhole camera for star identification. |
PixelMapCentroid | Finds the centroids of bright objects in the pixelMap. |
QFromU | Computes an attitude quaternion given a set of measured and cataloged |
RHSGyro | RHSGyro models a rate gyro or rate integrating gyro (RIG) |
RHSQ | Quaternion derivative. |
RateFromDQ | Computes angular rate from the equation mDot = m*Skew(w) |
SReduce | Reduction of stellar coordinates to apparent coordinates. |
STM | Quaternion state transition matrix |
SearchKVector | SEARCHKVECTOR Implement the range searching of data using a k vector. |
SelectMeasurementSet | Select a subset of measurements. |
Snapshots | Make star ID snapshots and plot in a single figure. |
StarCentroidCOM | Finds the centroid given intensities on n pixels and their coordinates. |
StarDensity | Generates a star density plot. |
StarIDPyramid | STARIDPYRAMID Identifies the best star matches using triads. |
StarMeasurement | Computes the measurement matrix, measurements and noise |
StarMeasurementUKF | Computes the measurements for the UKF |
StarMovie | Make a star ID movie. Pass a cell array of starDataMeas arrays. |
StellarAttDetEKF | A stellar attitude determination system. |
StellarAttDetEKFNoGyros | A stellar attitude determination system that does not use gyros. |
StellarAttDetUKF | Stellar attitude determination using the Unscented Kalman Filter |
AssessCatalog | Assess the global and local uniformity of a star catalog |
DisplayCatalog | Display a star catalog. |
DisplayStars | Models a pinhole camera. Projects the catalog into the camera frame. |
GetStarPatch | Generates a star catalog for a patch of sky. |
Int2VM | Converts intensity in watts/m^2 to apparent visual magnitude. |
LoadCatalog | Load a catalog and reduce it based on visual magnitude. |
NASANavCatalog | Generates a text file with stars above the cutoff magnitude. |
ProcessCatalog | Load the Hipparcos catalog and create the near matrix |
RandSC | Generates a random star catalog in star matrix format. |
RearrangeCatalog | Convert the catalog data structure to a structure array. |
ReduceCatalog | REDUCECATALOG Reduce the catalog based on the angular resolution. |
StarDataFromStarMatrix | Generates a star data structure from a star matrix. |
StarDataGeneration | Generates a star data structure |
StarIDTestCatalog | Generates a star catalog for testing the starid functions. |
SubCatalog | Create a sub catalog |
Swath | Generates a swath catalog in star matrix format. |
TelescopeAperture | Computes the number of stars that are visible for a given aperture. |
VM2Electrons | Converts apparent visual magnitude to electrons per second per mm^2. |
FK5.txt | FK4 data. |
FK5Polar.mat | FK5 polar stars. | | FK5 short catalog. | | FK5 based catalog. |
Hipparcos.mat | Hipparcos star catalog. |
Plejades.tif | Sample star camera image |
StarFieldDemo.jpg | Demonstrate star field data. |
StarPatch.mat | A star patch of polar stars from FK5. |
dPTolData.dat | Dot product tolerance data. |
test.dat | Test data. |
EarthBc | Compute the barycentric position and velocity of the earth. |
LightDef | Compute gravitational light deflection. |
Pix2U | Converts a pixel location into a unit vector. |
RADecToPix | Convert right ascension and declination to pixels. |
SqrFOV | Determines if a unit vector falls within a square FOV |
StellAbr | Adjust the vector u for aberration. |
SunBc | Compute the barycentric position of the sun. |
CCDNoise | Computes the CCD noise structure. |
CCDRes | Computes the angular resolution of the CCD. |
DeFocus | Spread of a point light source due to defocusing |
FRBwRIG | Simulates a spacecraft with rate integrating gyros. |
StarSensor | Computes the output of a star sensor. |
VM2PSFPeak | Finds the peak of the point spread function from visual magnitude. |
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