
Path: SpacecraftEstimation/StarVisualization

% Create a figure with two subplots, for the pixels and the centroids.
 Uses imagesc with an option for log scaling to display the pixelmap. The
 centroids are plotted with markers.

 The colormap is brightened by 0.5

   [h,a] = DrawStarImageCentroids( pixels, rCOM, IDs, logscale )

   pixels    (:,:) Pixel values
   rCOM      (:,:) Centers of mass of centroids
   IDs       (1,:) Ids of centroids
   logscale  (1,1) true is use logscale

   h         (1,1) Figure handle
   a        	(:)   Subplot handles

   Copyright (c) 2018 Princeton Satellite Systems, Inc.
   All rights reserved.
   Since 2018.1

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