
Path: SpacecraftEstimation/StellarCatalog

% Load a catalog and reduce it based on visual magnitude.
 Includes a demo of the Hipparcos catalog. The figure will be generated if
 called with no outputs or if the doPlot flag is true.
   catalog = LoadCatalog( name, visualMagnitude, minDeclination, doPlot )

   name            (1,:)  Catalog name 'Hipparcos', 'FK5', 'FK5 Polar',
                          or 'FK5 Short'
   visualMagnitude (1,:)  Visual magnitude or 'all', default 6
   minDeclination  (1,1)  Minimum declination (rad)
   doPlot          (1,1)  Create the figure

   catalog         (.)    Catalog data structure
                          vM       (:,1) Visual magnitude
                          rA       (:,1) Right ascension
                          dec      (:,1) Declination
                          parallax (:,1) Parallax (mas)
                          rV       (:,1) Radial velocity
                          pMRA     (:,1) Proper motion right ascension (mas/yr)
                          pMDec    (:,1) Proper motion declination (mas/yr)
                          name1    (:,1) Name for the star
                          name2    (:,1) Name for the star
                          name3    (:,1) Name for the star
                          name4    [:]   Index for the star



SC: Ephem/LoadFK5
SpacecraftEstimation: StellarData/FK5Polar
SpacecraftEstimation: StellarData/Hipparcos
Common: Graphics/NewFig
Common: Graphics/TitleS

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