
Path: SpacecraftEstimation/StellarCatalog

% Generates a star catalog for testing the starid functions. 

   Test types are determined by the data in the testData function

   Missing Stars
   Outputs a catalog of stars and a set of measurements
   that include all stars in the catalog. The StarID
   function should identify all of the stars. The nMissing field in testData
   contains the number of missing stars.

   Matching Sets
   More than one non overlapping sets are generated. The sets match except for
   a specified number of stars that don't match. This test determines the 
   ability of StarID4 to find the correct set among several possible sets.
   Use the nSets field in testData to set the number of sets and nMissingPerSet
   to specify how many stars are not identical.

   d = StarIDTestCatalog( n, fOV, nPixels, thetaRes, testData, displayStars )

   n              (1,1)  Number of stars needed for a match
   fOV            (1,1)  Field of view (deg)
   nPixels        (1,1)  Number of pixels
   thetaRes       (1,1)  Angular resolution
   testData       (.)    Test data structure
   displayStars   (1,1)  Any argument causes a star display
   d              (.)    Output data structure
                         starDataMeas (2,m) m vectors of [xloc,yloc]
                         starMatrix   (4,p) Star catalog of p stars stored as [intensity;u]
                         fScale       (1,1) Pixel map scale factor
                         thetaRes     (1,1) Angular resolution
                         nearMatrix   (3,:) [dot;star1;star2]
                         starCatalog  (:)   Star catalog data structure
	  Reference: Buil, C. (1991.) CCD Astronomy. Willman-Bell, Inc. p. 42-46.


AerospaceUtils: Coord/U2RADec
SpacecraftEstimation: StellarAttDet/PinholeStarCamera
SpacecraftEstimation: StellarCatalog/StarDataGeneration
Common: General/DeleteCell
Common: Graphics/NewFig

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