Path: Thermal/HeatExchanger
% Designs a heat exchanger for a one sided heat flux The output data structure has all the values in the input plus values computed in the function. The latex formatted output can be saved to a file using CreateLatexTable or printed in the command window using DisplayLatexTable. Type HeatTransferChannel for a demo with a 70% Helium/ 30% Xenon mixture. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Form: [d, l] = HeatTransferChannel( d ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Inputs ------ d (.) Input data structure .name (1,:) Name .length (1,1) Channel length (m) .w (1,1) Channel width (m) .h (1,1) Channel height (m) .q (1,1) Total heat flux (MW) .cP (1,1) Heat capacity (J/kg-K) .gamma (1,1) Ratio of specific heats .tInlet (1,1) Inlet temperature (deg-K) .tOutlet (1,1) Outlet temperature (deg-K) .pressure (1,1) Inlet pressure (Atm) .gas {1,2*n) {'name' fraction ...} .kC (1,1) Inlet pressure drop coefficient .kE (1,1) Outlet pressure drop coefficient ------- Outputs ------- d (.) Additions to the data structure .mDot (1,1) Mass flow rate (kg/s) .u (1,1) Velocity (m) .qChannel (1,1) Heat flux (W/m) .dP (1,1) Pressure drop (Atm) .area (1,1) Channel area (m^2) .d (1,1) Channel dimension (m) l {:,3} Latex formatted output --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Thermal: HeatExchanger/AbsoluteViscosity Thermal: HeatExchanger/HeatTransferCoeff Thermal: HeatExchanger/NusseltLaminar Thermal: HeatExchanger/NusseltTurbulent Thermal: HeatExchanger/PrandtlNumber Thermal: HeatExchanger/PressureDropChannel Thermal: HeatExchanger/ReynoldsNumberKinematic Thermal: HeatExchanger/ThermalConductivity Common: Atmosphere/RFromCPAndGamma Common: General/DisplayLatexTable Common: Graphics/Plot2D
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