Thermal Module |
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BraytonIdeal | Ideal Brayton cycle |
BraytonWithRecuperator | Brayton Cycle with Recuperator |
SCThermalDemo | Demonstrates how to use the thermal modeling package |
SimpleBraytonCycle | Analysis of an ideal Brayton cycle |
TNet | Demonstrate Thermnet. |
ThermalEquilibriumBox | Thermal equilibrium examples. |
ThreeNodeNetwork | Demonstrate Thermnet with a three node model. |
LQThermalControl | Design a linear quadratic temperature controller |
ThermalCube | Create a simple satellite with 6 panels for thermal analysis. |
AbsoluteViscosity | Computes the absolute viscosity. |
FrictionLaminar | Computes the laminar friction. |
HeatExchanger | Designs a heat exchanger for a one sided heat flux |
HeatExchangerWithLosses | Implements a flat plate heat exchanger with radiation losses |
HeatTransferChannel | Designs a heat exchanger for a one sided heat flux |
HeatTransferCoeff | Computes the Heat transfer coefficient. |
KinematicViscosity | Computes the Kinematic viscosity. |
NusseltDeveloping | Computes the Nusselt number for developing turbulent flow. |
NusseltLaminar | Computes the Nusselt number for laminar flow. |
NusseltTurbulent | Computes the Nusselt number for fully developed turbulent flow. |
PrandtlNikuradse | Computes the Fanning friction factor for fully developed turbulent flow. |
PrandtlNumber | Computes the Prandtl Number. |
PressureDropChannel | Computes the channel pressure drop |
ReynoldsNumberKinematic | Computes the Reynolds number. |
ThermalConductivity | Computes the thermal conductivity |
AeroHeatFlux | Aerodynamic heat flux. |
BTUToJoule | Converts BTUs to Joules |
FSolarPanelThermal | Used by fmins from SolarPanelThermal to compute panel temperatures. |
GrayBody | Aborptivity and emissivity of a gray body. |
Isothermal | Model a spacecraft as an isothermal radiator. |
IsothermalHelio | Isothermal model in heliocentric orbit. |
IsothermalLunar | Model a spacecraft as an isothermal radiator in lunar orbit. |
JouleToBTU | Converts Joules to BTUs |
LambertL | Lambert's cosine law. |
OptimalMLIDensity | Determine optimal Multi-layer Insulation (MLI) density |
PanelThermalModel | Computes the temperatures of a panel from a CAD model. |
PlanckL | Planck's law for a black body. |
RHSAerodynamicHeating | Compute aerodynamic heating. |
RHSIsothermal | Model a spacecraft as an isothermal radiator. |
RadBFp | Radiation between equal area flat plates. |
RadDa | Radiation from an incremental area |
RadiationShapeFactor | Computes the radiation shape factor |
SolarPanelThermal | Compute the front/back temperatures of a solar panel. |
SpaceCamera | Draw spacecraft in orbit about a planet, as seen by an in-situ camera. |
SpacecraftThermal | Compute the temperature in input flux for the spacecraft components. |
ThermalColorMap | Generates a color corresponding to a temperature. |
ThermalEquilibrium | This function computes the thermal equilibrium for a system |
Thermnet | Creates a set of first order differential equations to model |
BraytonCycle.png | Cycle image for displaying results |
ThermalCube.mat | Cube CAD model with thermal network |
DrawThermalPlugIn | Draw a thermal diagram. |
PlotThermal | Plots flux and temperature. |
ThermalImager | Color a spacecraft or planet corresponding to a temperature. |
AbsDa | Absorbed radiation from an incremental area. |
BlckBody | Aborptivity and emissivity of a black body. |
EmittanceParallelPlates | Computes the emittance of plates in parallel. |
HeatFP | Computes the temperature at two surfaces of a flat plate |
HeatShieldCoating | Values for heat shield coatings. |
RadiatorCoating | Values for radiator coatings. |
TempConv | Converts temperatures between units. |
TempCyl | Temperature of a cylinder. Includes ends. |
TempFP | Temperature of a flat plate. |
TempSph | Temperature of a sphere. |
WiensDsp | Computes the peak black body wavelength as a function of temperature. |
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