
Path: Thermal/ThermalAnalysis

% Compute the temperature in input flux for the spacecraft components.
 This computes the average temperature of each component.
 The optical input is a flux vector with magnitude in watts.
 The number of points generated will equal the length of the longest
 transformation matrix in g or the longest member of e.
 If the number of points is > 1 all other members of e and transformation
 matrices in g must equal that number of 1.

 The computations can use shadowing. To get shadowing you must enter the
 shadow and scanLines fields.
   temperature = SpacecraftThermal( mode, g, e )

   mode      ''        String: 'init' or 'run'
   g         (.)       Spacecraft data structure
   e         (.)       Disturbances data structure
                       .planet             (1,:) Will compute density and mu for various
                       .planetRadius       (1,:) Radius of the planet (km)
                       .albedo             (1,1) Albedo fraction
                       .radiation          (1,1) Planet radiation (watts)
                       .s                  (3,:) Solar optical radiation flux vector (watts)
                       .r                  (3,:) Distance from gravity center (km)
                       .tSamp              (1,1) Sample time between transformation matrices in g
                       .shadow             (1,1) 1 for on, 0 for off
                       .nScanLines         (1,1) Number of scan lines for shadowing
                       .showScans          (1,1) 1 means show the HSRCAD scan display
                       .computePR          (1,1) 1 means include planetary radiation
                       .units              (1,:) 'm', 'in', 'ft'

   p            (:)    Output data structure
                       .qSun        (:) Flux from the sun
                       .qAlbedo     (:) Albedo flux
                       .qRadiation  (:) Planetary radiation flux
                       .qTotal      (:) Total flux
                       .temperature (:) Temperature



AerospaceUtils: CAD/BHinge
AerospaceUtils: CAD/HSRCAD
SC: Ephem/Eclipse
Thermal: ThermalAnalysis/ThermalEquilibrium
Common: Database/Constant
Math: Linear/DupVect
Math: Linear/Mag
Math: Linear/Unit

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