Classes | Typedefs

dsim_model.h File Reference

Header file for the dsim_model class and associated types. More...

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class  dsim_model
 Superclass for all simulated objects. More...


typedef dsim_model *(* dsim_model_factory_t )(dsim_model_setup *)
 Type for the factory function for a model.

Detailed Description

Header file for the dsim_model class and associated types.

Typedef Documentation

typedef dsim_model*(* dsim_model_factory_t)(dsim_model_setup *)

Type for the factory function for a model.

All models must have a factory function with C linkage conforming to this function signature; this factory function will be used by the simulation engine to create objects from this model. The factory function will take a single parameter, a pointer to a dsim_model_setup object. The new object should be allocated on the heap (via new) and the factory function's single parameter should be passed unchanged to the constructor.

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