Princeton Fusion Systems MATLAB Toolboxes
MATLAB toolboxes for fusion energy analysis
Shielding Directory Reference

Neutron and xray shielding demos.



file  NeutronAnalysis.m
 Fast and thermal neutron analysis for LiH and B4C Published Demo Want to first scatter the neutrons until they are thermalized, then capture them.
file  NeutronPowerDemo.m
 Ratio of neutron power to fusion power for D3He Published Demo For PFRC parameters: Te = 30 keV, Td = 70 keV, and T(he3) ranges from 70 to 140 keV.
file  SCO2XRay.m
 X-ray absorption for supercritial CO2 Published Demo
file  Shielding.m
 Shielding mass simple calculations Published Demo Calculate simple cylinders of potential shielding materials.
file  ThicknessCalc.m
 Shielding thickness calculations from wall loading Published Demo Results of a simple attenuation model.
file  XRayAttenuation.m
 Demonstrate x-ray attenuation for a Xenon/Helium mix and Titanium Published Demo X-rays are from bremsstrahulung.

Detailed Description

Neutron and xray shielding demos.