Path: Interplanetary/PlanarOptimization
% Planar orbit optimization to outside the solar system, 550 AU Calculate the optimal thrust to achieve a planar trajectory to the desired final orbit, assuming a certain specific impulse (exhaust velocity) and specific power for the engine. A good solution has a smooth change in phi and linear change in u (up until switch point, then down). If there is excess radial velocity on arrival, try increasing the transit time. See also: PlanarHelioOptimal, StraightLineOptimal, StraightLineReport
Interplanetary: Optimization/PlanarHelioOptimal StraightLine: ConstantAccel/ThrustElectric StraightLine: ConstantThrust/SimulateStraightLineTrajectory StraightLine: ConstantThrust/StraightLineOptimal StraightLine: ConstantThrust/StraightLineReport Common: Database/Constant
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