
Path: SpacecraftEstimation/OpticalNavigation

% Selects landmark targets for an optical navigation system.
   The idea is to pick 3 stars and 3 landmarks on each pass.
   This way the errors are randomized. The total number of measurements
   from this set is 11. There are 2 landmark/landmark angles and 9
   landmark/star angles.

   The algorithm assumes that all landmarks are visible.

   The algorithm picks 2 stars that are close to the moon and one that is near
   the +z ECI axis. It picks 3 landmarks from rLCatalog randomly every
   time it is called. This function uses MoonV2 for the moon ephemeris.
   It randomly selects the pole star from the set within the field of

   Since version 9.
   [uS, rL] = NavTargetTrackingLunar( x, uSCatalog, rLCatalog, jD, fOV )

   x            (:,1) ECI position of sensor [r;...]
   uSCatalog    (3,:) Star unit vectors
   rLCatalog    (3,:) ECI position vectors of landmarks
   jD           (1,1) Julian date
   fOV          (1,1) Sensor field of view

   uS           (3,3) Three stars
   rL           (3,3) Three landmarks



SC: Ephem/LoadFK5
SC: Ephem/MoonV2
SpacecraftEstimation: StellarCatalog/LoadCatalog
SpacecraftEstimation: StellarData/FK5Polar
SpacecraftEstimation: StellarData/Hipparcos
Common: General/DeBlankLT
Common: Graphics/NewFig
Common: Graphics/PltStyle
Common: Graphics/TitleS
Common: Time/DTSToDTA
Common: Time/Date2JD
Common: Transform/RaDec2U
Math: Linear/Mag
Math: Linear/Unit

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