MHT billiard demo.
This models billiard balls that can bounce of the walls of an
enclosure. The model is two double integrators but because of the
bounce there is considerable model uncertainty in position and
velocity. The sensor outputs the x and y position of each ball
with noise. See also KFBilliardsDemo which demonstrates the filter by
The state vector is [x;vX;y;vY].
The demo uses the Kalman Filter (KF).
See also BilliardCollision, RHSBilliards, ScanToTrackBilliards
Common: Estimation/KFInitialize
Common: Graphics/MLog
Common: Graphics/NewFig
Common: Graphics/XLabelS
Common: Graphics/YLabelS
Math: Integration/RK4
MHT: DynamicalModels/BilliardCollision
MHT: DynamicalModels/RHSBilliards
MHT: Graphics/MHTGUI
MHT: Graphics/MHTHypothesisDisplay
MHT: Graphics/TOMHTTreeAnimation
MHT: TrackInitialization/MHTInitializeTrk
MHT: TrackInitialization/ScanToTrackBilliards
MHT: TrackManagement/MHTInitialize
MHT: TrackManagement/MHTTrackMgmt
MHT: Utilities/AddScan
MHT: Utilities/MHTDistance
MHT: Utilities/MHTTrkToB