
   Track management algorithms including track reduction and pruning.

   It creates new tracks each scan. A new track is created
   - for each measurement
   - for any track which has more than one measurement in its gate
   - for each existing track with a "null" measurement.

   Tracks are pruned to eliminate those of low probability and find the
   hypothesis which includes consistent tracks. Consistent tracks do
   not share any measurements.

   This is typically used in a loop in which each step has new
   measurements, known as "scans".

   The simulation can go in this loop to generate y or you can run the
   simulation separately and store the measurements in y. This can be
   helpful when you are debugging your MHT code.

   For real time systems y would be read in from your sensors.

   zScan = [];
   for k = 1:n
      zScan = AddScan( y(:,k), [], [], [], zScan ) ;

      [b, trk, sol, hyp, trkData] = MHTTrackMgmt( b, trk, zScan, trkData, k, t );


      for j = 1:length(trk)
        trkData.fScanToTrackData.v =  myData

      if( ~isempty(zScan) && makePlots )
        TOMHTTreeAnimation( 'update', trk );

      t = t + dT;

   The reference provides good background reading but the code in this
   function is not based on the reference. Other good references are
   books and papers by Blackman.

   [b, trk, sol, hyp, d] = MHTTrackMgmt( b, trk, zScan, d, scan, t )

   b        (m,n)  [scans, tracks]
   trk      (:)    Track data structure
   zScan    (1,:)  Scan data structure
   d        (1,1)  Track management parameters
   scan     (1,1)  The current scan ID
   t        (1,1)  Time

   b        (m,1)  [scans, tracks]
   trk      (:)    Track data structure array
   sol      (.)    Solution data structure from TOMHTAssignment
   hyp      (.)    Best hypothesis
   d        (.)    Parameters with updated scan index

   Reference: A. Amditis1, G. Thomaidis1, P. Maroudis, P. Lytrivis1 and
              G. Karaseitanidis1, "Multiple Hypothesis Tracking
   See also: MHTTrackScore, TOMHTAssignment, TOMHTPruneTracks


Common: Graphics/MLog
MHT: TrackManagement/CheckForDuplicateTracks
MHT: TrackManagement/TOMHTAssignment
MHT: TrackManagement/TOMHTPruneTracks
MHT: TrackScoring/MHTTrackScore
MHT: Utilities/MHTLLRUpdate
MHT: Utilities/MHTTrkToB