
 UKF automobile demo.

 This models a car driving near a car with radar. The cars
 are at different speeds and the track car performs a passing and lane
 change maneuver.

 The demo uses the Unscented Kalman Filter (UKF). 

 The simulation is run first and then the UKF estimates the trajectory
 of the tracked car. The demo also computes the MHT distance for the
 tracked car. The estimator starts with an estimated state of zero,
 meaning the tracked car and car with radar coincide. This leads to 
 a large MHT distance at the start.

 The car maneuvers and initial states can be modified. 
  See also AutoRadar, AutomobilePassing, AutomobileLaneChange,
  RHSAutomobile, RHSAutomobileXY, AutoRadarUKF


Common: Estimation/KFInitialize
Common: Estimation/UKF
Common: Estimation/UKFPredict
Common: Estimation/UKFUpdate
Common: Graphics/NewFig
Common: Graphics/Plot2D
Common: Graphics/TimeLabl
Common: Graphics/XLabelS
Common: Graphics/YLabelS
Math: Integration/RK4
MHT: Control/AutomobileLaneChange
MHT: Control/AutomobilePassing
MHT: DynamicalModels/RHSAutomobile
MHT: DynamicalModels/RHSAutomobileXY
MHT: SensorModels/AutoRadar
MHT: SensorModels/AutoRadarUKF
MHT: Utilities/MHTDistanceUKF