AerospaceUtils Module

Directory List

AeroData AtmosphericCalculations CAD
ComponentModels Coord Demos/AtmosphericCalculations


AtmData.matAtmospheric data binary file
AtmData.txtAtmospheric data text file
Cube.objOBJ model of a cube with materials data.
NRLMSIS.matData needed by AtmNRLMSISE
SimpleSC.matSimple MAT file for demos.

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Computes air data based on a simplified standard atmosphere model.
Computes the atmospheric density using an exponential model.
Computes the Earth's atmospheric density using scale heights.
Computes the atmospheric density of Titan using a curve fit.
Computes the ratio of specific heats for air.
Computes the atmospheric density using Jacchia's 1970 model.
NRLMSISE-00 Model 2001
Computes the speed of sound in the atmosphere.
Computes the atmospheric temperature using a simplified model.
Computes the barometric exponent.
Computes the diffusion exponent.
Jacchia-Lineberry model of the upper atmosphere.
Compute the atm. density (kg/m^3) on Neptune given the altitude (km)
Reynold's number as a function of atmospheric density.
Sutherland's law for dynamic viscosity.
Compute the stagnation temperature in the earth's atmosphere.
Compute the atmospheric density on Uranus.

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Add a heater and thermistor to each component.
Computes the area of a triangle mesh.
Converts an AutoCAD color into a [r,g,b] color.
Compute a transformation matrix from a bHinge data structure.
Converts a bit array to a string. [1 0 1 0] will become 0101.
Create the CAD body GUI plug in.
Compute a bounding box for a component
Build a model of a spacecraft using repeated calls to this function.
Color a CAD Model. This function can be used only to change the colors
Work with a model using the CAD data structure.
Computes the centroid of an obj file.
Combines obj files and writes a new file.
Create an component GUI plug in.
Draw a component
Create a body with hinge data.
Creates CAD model report. It will create HTML tables or formatted output.
Creates a CAD Report by subystem
Create a CAD component. This function has a built-in demo.
Creates power and mass reports from a CAD model.
Determine cross-sectional area from CAD model.
Generates default properties for specific devices.
Set the transparency for components of a particular name.
Draw the spacecraft CAD components in a 2D representation.
Draw a series of patches.
Draw a spacecraft CAD model in a plain 3D box with Gouraud lighting.
Draw the spacecraft CAD model using patches.
Export a CAD file to a text file.
Export fields required by DSim. This routine will create three files.
Export a DXF file.
Export an OBJ file.
Export an OBJ file.
Find the indices of components containing a particular string
Computes the force and torque envelope. n is the number of samples.
Generates generic properties for CAD components. The types are:
Return a single set of vertices "v" and faces "f" for the CAD model.
Compute the total mass in the requested subsystem
Finds the visible surfaces given a vertex and face list.
Load a 3D CAD file. Handles .dxf, .obj and .3DMF files.
Create a mass budget for a flight vehicle.
Create a data structure for MassBudget. Enter parameter pairs.
Convert Matlab color parameters to obj parameters.
Build a box with panels.
Rotates and scales an obj file name.obj.
Set the inertial attitude of a CAD model.
Set CAD model rotations using parameter/value pairs.
Set the inertial state of a CAD model.
Display a stored CAD model in a plain 3D box using DrawSCPlanPlugIn.
Create a Spacecraft GUI plug in.
Tesselate polygons by breaking them into triangles.
Take the CAD data and create the body array for Tree.
Update the 3D drawing data structure.
Generate a 3DMF for a trimesh. This function will append ".t3d" to the file.

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Add a component to a CAD model.
Get vertices and faces for an air core magnetic torquer CAD component.
Get vertices and faces for an antenna CAD component.
Get vertices and faces for solar array CAD models.
Get CAD vertices and faces for a star camera model.
Get vertices and faces for a circuit board CAD model.
Get vertices and faces for a CompactPCI 3U Chassis CAD component.
Get vertices and faces for a single or double delta wing CAD model.
Get vertices and faces for a fuselage CAD model.
Get CAD vertices and faces for a Hall thruster.
Get CAD vertices and faces for the Integrated Communications and Navigation Sensor.
Generate CAD vertices and faces for a Northrop Grumman TR-308 engine.
Get CAD vertices and faces for a lunar module first stage.
Generates a CAD component for a lunar module ascent stage.
Get CAD vertices and faces for a nose cone.
Get CAD vertices and faces for an SP-100 based space nuclear reactor.
Get CAD vertices and faces for a panel in the x, y plane.
Get CAD vertices and faces for a frame for a honeycomb panel.
Get CAD vertices and faces for a panel with a center hole.
Get CAD vertices and faces for a panel with a cutout.
Draw panels for a spacecraft.
Get CAD vertices and faces for General Dynamics REAs.
Get CAD components for an array of four reaction wheels.
Get CAD vertices and properties for a specific RWA model.
Get CAD vertices for an RWA.
Get CAD vertices and faces for a single-axis control moment gyro.
Get CAD vertices and faces for the SHELS Flange component.
Get vertices and faces for the SHELS Interface CAD components.
Get CAD vertices and faces for the rings of Saturn.
Get CAD vertices and faces for a simple fuselage.
Get CAD vertices and faces for a triangle strut for a solar wing.
Get vertices and faces for a basic star camera CAD component.
Get CAD vertices and faces for various star cameras.
Generate CAD vertices and faces for a surface of revolution about z.
Generate CAD vertices and faces for a T-shaped plate.
Get CAD vertices and faces for a thruster model.
Get vertices and faces for a thruster CAD component.
Generate CAD vertices and faces for a tube going from x1 to x2
Generate CAD vertices and faces for a motor model.
Generate CAD vertices and faces fora Wing.
Generate a Xenon Tank CAD model based on the ETS VIII Tank.
Generate CAD vertices for a Xenon Tank support based on the ETS VIII Tank.

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Converts azimuth and coelevation to a unit vector.
Compute r, v from range, range rate, az and el.
Converts azimuth and elevation to a unit vector.
Bank angle computations
Transform between selected coordinate frames and representations.
Finds the altitude and downrange from a target on a planet.
Compute latitude, longitude, altitude from ECEF position.
Computes the matrix from mean of Aries 2000 to the earth fixed frame.
Convert an earth fixed position vector to [latitude;longitude;altitude]
Lagrange point RHS.
Convert geocentric latitude to geodetic latitude.
Convert geodetic latitude to geocentric latitude
Angle between the horizon and a vector from rG to rS.
Altitude of the nearest point to a sphere.
Compute ECEF position from latitude, longitude, altitude.
Convert [latitude;longitude;altitude] to an earth fixed position vector.
Converts geodetic latitude and longitude to r for an ellipsoidal planet.
Generate the LVLH angular rate vector.
Compute right ascension and declination of a vector from a quaternion.
Given at least three vectors computes the initial quaternion.
Rotate about a body axis to align a body vector with an inertial vector.
Finds a quaternion with u1 aligned with u1ECI and u2 close to u2ECI.
Generate the quaternion that transforms from the ECI to the Hills frame.
Computes the time derivative of a quaternion.
Generate the quaternions that transform from ECI to LVLH coordinates.
Generate the quaternions that transform from ECI to a lat/long frame
Generate a quaternion that points a body vector uB towards nadir.
Rotate about an axis to align "ua" as close as possible to target "ut"
Interpolate a quaternion using the SLERP algorithm.
Generate a quaternion to go to a planet fixed lat/long target.
Computes geocentric latitude and longitude from r
Computes right ascension and declination and their rates.
Right ascension and declination to a quaternion.
Convert roll, pitch, r and v to QECIToBody
Approx. azimuth and elevation of the sun for a time and place on earth.
Finds a target on a planet.
Converts a unit vector to azimuth and elevation.
Computes the right ascension and declination from a unit vector.

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Compares atmosphere models
This file is used to generate data for AtmNRLMSISE.m
This file replicates the test case from:

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