Princeton Fusion Systems MATLAB Toolboxes
MATLAB toolboxes for fusion energy analysis
Reactor Directory Reference

Point design demos.



file  BremsstrahlungAnalysis.m
 Bremmstrahlung analysis Published Demo
file  BremsstrahlungComparison.m
 Compare Bremsstrahlung for several fuels.
file  DHe3Reactor.m
 D-He3 fusion power and magnetic field from electron temperature Published Demo Demonstrates Bremsstrahlung, FusionPower, and Synchrotron, assuming ions and electrons are at the same temperature.
file  FRCPointDesign.m
 Generates a point design for a steady-state, D-He3 FRC reactor.
file  FuelPowerModel.m
 D-3He fuel mix analysis demo creating contour plots Published Demo Uses a fixed electron temperature for all computations.
file  FusionLosses.m
 Look at fusion losses for several fuels Published Demo Demonstrates Bremsstrahlung and Synchrotron.
file  FusionPowerDemo.m
 Explore D-3He fusion power model Published Demo Explore combinations of D and 3He temperature and fuel ratios.
file  PowerPlantAnalysis.m
 Analyze a D-T power plant.
file  SigmaVPlot.m
 Plot collision crosssections for D-D, D-T and D-He3 reactions.
file  SynchrotronAnalysis.m
 Synchrotron analysis of reflection Published Demo Compare Bingren's model with the NRL formulary for PFRC relevant parameters.
file  SynchrotronDemo.m
 Synchrotron radiation demo Published Demo Reproduce the chart in the reference.

Detailed Description

Point design demos.