OpticalNavigation Demos
Directory List
LunarLandingTRNSim: Lunar Landing NRN Sim
ONSCisLunarSimulation: Simulate ONS for elements of a lunar mission
ONSHelioSimulation: Simulate ONS for elements of a heliocentric mission
ONSLunarMissionDesign: Lunar mission planning
ONSMessengerSimulation: Simulate ONS for a spacecraft that flies by Mercury
ONSSailSimulation: Simulate ONS for a solar sail near the L1 Lagrange point
OpticalNavHorizon: Estimate the orbit position using horizon measurements
OpticalNavSunStars: Optical navigation demo in the solar system
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CreateTerrainImages: Create terrain snippets to train and test the deep learning algorithm
LanderNNSim: Simulate a lunar overflight
TerrainNeuralNet: Script implementing the terrain neural net
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ImageGeneration: Increase resolution of Apophis
SyntheticTerrain: SyntheticTerrain is a script created to create synthetic terrain
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